Отличное фото двух ранних итальянских броненосцев в Генуе. К сожалению ни даты, ни названия кораблей в архиве нет. Так как итальянцев той эпохи не знаю, то даже не буду пытаться определить кто именно это может быть
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О, как, значит все значительно позже чем я думал. Спасибо!
UPD: Про дату фото с броненосцами в Фейсбуке написали что первая фотография датируется либо 1870-м, либо 1873-м годом. "Stefano Salesi we can reasonably restrict the date to 1869-1873, thanks to the fittings of the ships. The absence of the enclosed charting room on the fore flying brige of Regina Maria Pia set this prior to 1873, as in that year the ship was placed in reserve and sent to La Spezia to undergo a cicle of heavy reconditionig/modernization. In 1868-1869 Regina Maria Pia was based in Castellammare di Stabia, Livorno (Leghorn) and La Spezia. moreover, the only years in which both ships were in Genova was 1870 and 1873. (Regina Maria Pia is on the left, the fastest and easiest way to tell is the absence, on the San Martino, of the stern barbette, that was installed only on board of Ancona and Regina Maria Pia). the above mentioned informations are taken from "le navi di linea italiane, 1861-1875, Ufficio storico della marina militare, 2001""
Comments 13
"Какой КОТ-Комитет Оборонной Техники?")))
Тут ещё найдешь.
открытом в октябре 1892 года.
Про дату фото с броненосцами в Фейсбуке написали что первая фотография датируется либо 1870-м, либо 1873-м годом.
"Stefano Salesi we can reasonably restrict the date to 1869-1873, thanks to the fittings of the ships. The absence of the enclosed charting room on the fore flying brige of Regina Maria Pia set this prior to 1873, as in that year the ship was placed in reserve and sent to La Spezia to undergo a cicle of heavy reconditionig/modernization.
In 1868-1869 Regina Maria Pia was based in Castellammare di Stabia, Livorno (Leghorn) and La Spezia. moreover, the only years in which both ships were in Genova was 1870 and 1873.
(Regina Maria Pia is on the left, the fastest and easiest way to tell is the absence, on the San Martino, of the stern barbette, that was installed only on board of Ancona and Regina Maria Pia).
the above mentioned informations are taken from "le navi di linea italiane, 1861-1875, Ufficio storico della marina militare, 2001""
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