BiographicalIssue Positions(NPAT)Campaign FinancesInterest Group RatingsVoting RecordAdditional Biographical InformationSpeeches and Public Statements Contact Information
Campaign Website: Campaign Address
Post Office Box 11647
Knoxville, TN 37919
Fred Dalton Thompson (R-TN)
Background Information
Gender: Male
Family: Wife: Jeri Kehn
5 Children: Tony, Betsy (deceased), Daniel, Hayden, Samual.
Birth date: 08/19/1942
Birthplace: Sheffield, AL
Home City: Lawrenceburg, TN
Religion: Church of Christ
JD, Vanderbilt University, 1967
BS, Memphis State University, 1964.
Professional Experience:
Practicing Attorney, 1967-1994
Author 'At That Point in Time'
Factory Worker
Shoe Salesman
Truck Driver.
Political Experience:
Senator, United States Senate, 1994-2002
Elected to Senate in a Special Election, November 8, 1994
Appellate Court Nominating Committee, TN, 1985-1987
Special Counsel to the U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee, 1982
Special Counsel to the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee, 1980-1981
Special Counsel to Tennessee Governor Lamar Alexander, 1980
Chief Republican Counsel (Minority Counsel),US Senate Watergate Committee, 1973-1974
Assistant US Attorney, Middle Tennessee, 1969-1972
Campaign Manager, Howard Baker
Staff Attorney to Senator Howard Baker.
Caucuses/Non-Legislative Committees:
US Senate Foreign Relations and Intelligence Committees, Special Counsel
Senate Watergate Committee, Minority Counsel.