Jun 30, 2017 22:14

Application of knowledge of G.P. Grabovoi for solving the task of fire prevention.
A widely known, bold statement of Archimedes, the greatest mathematician and engineer of antiquity, his famous statement "Give me a point of support, and I will move the world" has become a winged phrase, and passed through the millennium. Mostly often this expression of Archimedes is applied to technical systems, although it can be understood not so literally.

Our contemporary, prominent scientist Grigori Grabovoi, says that in a rapidly developing world, sometimes "one has to count only on the possibilities of remote control, the fulcrum of which is own Consciousness". And in order to consider how such event control is carried out, "it is necessary to set up the system of connections and in fact, simultaneously determine this system".

It was done in the equation proposed by Grigori Grabovoi to the students of the EMERCOM of Russia in 2000. The essence of the equation in this method, which is the method of applying the equation for extinguishing a fire, can be always found in the book or understood through watching the video lectures. Nobody could tell it better than Grigori Petrovich Grabovoi, so you have to watch and listen exactly to him.

I suggest just to take this equation as a ladder, by which you can go upstairs into the area of ​​solving the set problem. The stairs of the ladder are different, they have their own characteristics.

The equation itself is simply perceived on the slide as a tool, that is given to solve the set up task.

So, the whole climbing upstairs, as it were, into the real salvation of any system is the stairs, or the supporting points which we will climb up. Grigori Grabovoi says: "Points of support are those elements of information that can create an algorithm of your control for your perception".

Any instrument, including it in the form of an equation, has some characteristics that you need to know, you should for sure, explore them.

Distribution or generalized function g contains at once two positions: the function of individual perception and communications function in the generalized information segment. There is a sign of multiplication between them.

Grigori Grabovoi says: "… in fact, we should get actually the control in this mathematics that you receive under the same system as, supposedly, the human body. It has one form, but you have a lot of thinking, in other words, it is more simply said as multiple thinking, multiform, or diverse actions. In other words, one form contains many functions, or an infinite set of functions". With this approach, mathematics in the form of specific mathematical relationships is clear.

If a person somehow wants to climb up, then he chooses this way, and estimates his capabilities, adjusts, for example, aligns his internal state to climb up, perceives the process of ascent itself. The way we have chosen for the solution of the salvation problem is the equation of Grigori Grabovoi.

Get on the second step of the stairs. Imagine that a person can climb up, and do it quickly, he can hold something with hands, can use special clothes or shoes for easier lifting, and so on. Human body acts when having ascent, in other words, the body solves the problem of lifting up.

When solving the task of salvation, rescue, for example, the task of a fire extinguishing with the usage of the equation, then Consciousness works in control. The transfer from neutral perception of the process to the solution of the problem of salvation is a function of individual perception. This is indicated in the equation as f(k(I)). We can consider the internal processes of the event, which can lead to the attenuation of the fire. Our perception changes reality to the one, in which the fire extinguishes. There are many options, that is why this function is called individual perception.

The third step is the second level, that is the impact of all conditions of the external space on the solution of the set task. This level in the equation is designated as a function of space with a certain coefficient K. In the example of an upward climb, as well as in the extinguishing of a fire, weather can be simply such conditions, at the same time there can be some kind of external space help in solving the problem, and many other things.

The multiplication sign is the compound of two functions in the solution domain (1,2). The task is to determine the direct control of the process that occurs in the area where these two parameters are connected, although there is any other parameter in the elements of every parameter.

"So, when it comes to control, to the function of individual control, then you can see the feedback system at the level of crossing of these two elements, in fact, it is a system of feedback that allows you to change the characteristics of the current process in the perfectly real time", says Grigori Petrovich Grabovoi.

Grigori Petrovich Grabovoi usually suggests specific concentrations to control complex, multiple processes.

A concentration on the parameter X in degree of "n" is proposed in the equation to solve the problem in this process.

Grabovoi G.P.: "Supposedly, you have a chair, table, pointer, or a generalized object in your vision, so, all phenomena that you, for example, do not describe at the moment of perception. That's when you assign X to be a fixed system to determine the coordinates of the space, supposedly, and the time of the object, then you have control of the infinite area. g tends to infinity, i.e. in fact, g is connected with that infinite series, which you, for example, do not perceive in the period of rigid fixation of Consciousness".

Supposedly a person learnt about a possible or occurring fire and decided to help immediately. Man defines coordinates in the parameter X. What does it mean? A person fixes the exact or at least approximate position of this process.

It means that we just attune with Consciousness that this fire is located somewhere.

It will be like a formal area from which we will change this process - this fire - in the direction that the fire would be quickly extinguished, or the fire would not occur, if a person sees only the signs of a beginning fire.

Further, Grigori Grabovoi says: "And then you must identify the element "n", that is, what the degree "n" means for you. "n", as I explained, can be a fixed number, and therefore, this determines the events of the current area. In other words, when you make a decision, then you can change different situations in relation to this "n". So, in fact, while increasing or decreasing the velocity of thinking, you can accordingly change the situation".

During the search for the degree "n", the coefficients are equalized in the function of individual perception and in function of space, because we come to the unification of the system of connections. That is, we must find a reference point in every event, and this point is universal.

We also began to consider the equation of Grigori Grabovoi as if from a fulcrum of Archimedes. So, maybe, Archimedes wanted to turn not the World, having found a point of support, but wanted to control the processes on Earth?

Grigori Grabovoi in his lecture at the Ministry of Emergency Situations says that "your own Consciousness is your own point of support. Therefore, when you see here the same coefficient, it means that in this system of equations, when we start looking for a degree, we get the same constant".

How can this happen in practice? We can see a fire as if inside, in our perception, like in a computer, for example. In my opinion, the function of individual perception includes my perception of internal processes. They do not give the fire to evolve, that is, the fire does not flare up, but quickly disappears. Everyone has his own individual understanding of how the fire extinguishes. The following perception of the function of the external space is easy to imagine. For example, there is no wind that builds up a fire, the air is humid or generally it started raining. If there are firemen, then the water jets fall exactly into the hearth and do not allow the fire to spread, and so on.
And this description of the current event, and not of the generalized one, says that the coefficients of the links for our Consciousness, in fact, are those specific elements of some events that supposedly can organize these events.

We continue to identify the element "n". Since g tends to infinity, then the equation takes into account such parameters, for example, as the help of higher forces, in general, any other help in extinguishing a fire. All of the above is invested in the degree "n", in other words, the faster the coordinates of Consciousness change, then the higher the degree of "n". For example, we can denote X in the power of 2, X2, and we can take n = 5, X5, placing also our confidence in the number 5 in control. Here, of course, you need practice and individual understanding of the process.

The process of control is very simple: we concentrate on the equation, embedding all the fixed parameters in it, and with our Consciousness quickly look through the changes, occurring in this undesirable process. Basically, the concentration occurs on Хn, where n is the personally chosen coordinates of the Consciousness change, and Хn is the degree in the equation, which expresses the law of variation in common connections.

In fact, you can stop in control here, monitoring the result of rescuing the system. If necessary, control can be repeated. Practice can show some additional subtleties in control.

In the lecture Grigori Petrovich says that "it can be said through Consciousness that, yes, there is external reality, there are fixed phenomena of external reality", but he also says that there may be something else, for example, that we have not described in terms of one-time perception.

The Author of the Teaching further shows how this mathematics describes control of those objects, information about which does not exist, or we do not have any information in our Consciousness. Still it is necessary to rescue oneself and others, even if a person, let's say, sleeps, or as if the systems are disconnected due to some electromagnetic impulse.

Grigori Grabovoi: "And therefore, when we talk about how to carry out control of processes that, for example, are not announced, then it is sufficient to put the same function g. Then it turns out that if we set this function, then we close the system of implicit connections, which is organized in this level with the same parametric values, at the level of invariant systems, say so, ​​that in principle, this function has. In other words, in simple terms, we have an invariant system of equations. And if somehow, we change the coordinate system, then the base level is always preserved. It turns out that having constructed mathematics in this way, we can describe the phenomena, which the object is connected with, and the phenomena, which the object is connected with, are also the phenomena of the entire external reality.

That is, in fact, all the phenomena of the world in this equation are reflected in the form of one local area. And all external phenomena, that is, the boundary condition of these phenomena is the description, that is the transfer of this implicit system of equations into the "1,2" system, and then you get a practically concrete event area, in which you reach an act of salvation in any case".

The function g describes the real salvation of any system.

"The technologies that are built on your Consciousness, are always creative, and in this regard, you can distribute them unlimitedly".

June 30, 2017,
Antonina Kravtsova
Translation by Irina Mokrushina

Irracional'nye metody predotvrashhenija global'nyh katastroficheskih processov predstavljajushhih ugrozu vsemu miru  https://www.createspace.com/4178048

Formulas are universal, but you need to understand their essence. The texts of lectures must be read!


grabovoi grigori petrovich, equation, mathematics, real salvation, fire

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