FIC: Intimations of Morality

Nov 06, 2007 18:31

Title: Intimations of Morality *Main Post*
Author: vorpalblades, aka me
Summary: From vichan’s Evil!Dean Ficathon prompt: “Dean falls into an AU where his Bro and Dad are together and evil. He has to play along.”
Rating: NC-17 overall
Characters: Dean, Sam, Evil!Sam, YED!John, Jo, Ellen, Bobby, Gordon, Ash (in a blink-and-you’ll-miss-him capacity), and a splattering (HA!) of OFCs and OMCs…hell, let’s throw in the kitchen sink too, shall we?
Pairings: Evil!Sam/Dean
Word Count: Somewhere between 21,600 and 22,200
Warnings: AU, but not, um. DARK. This is NOT a happy-go-lucky story. vichan wanted Evil!Dean, well here ya go. We got graphic wincest of the evil variety, violence, implied torture, language galore, minor character deaths, angst out the wazoo. God, what else can I do to these kids?
Spoilers: Timeline is post-BUaBS but pre-FPB, but with spoilers up to AHBL. Take that as you may.
Disclaimer: Not mine, never mine, god they don’t actually want me taking ownership at this point.
A/N: Super special thanks goes to floridapeaches for whipping me into shape on the parts, even though I almost scared her off. This story wouldn’t be as lovely without her. And to rei_c for the handholding, cheerleading, silver glitter, and convincing me I wasn’t going mad with this fic.

|| First Limb || Second Limb || Third Limb || Fourth Limb ||
Head Space || At the Heart of It All
Notes and Music

iom, sam/dean, my fic

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