Title: Love Letters to Theta, age 122 (2)
Author: von_gelmini
Fandom: Doctor Who
Characters: Theta/Koschei
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 255
Warnings: nothing but teh crazy
Disclaimer: I do not own Doctor Who. I am not writing this for profit.
Written for Love Letters prompt #33 - Mind
A page torn from Theta's diary and left on Koschei's pillow... )
Comments 19
I like the implication that the drums seem to actually want him to hurt Theta. It's really awful that the Time Lords did that to him.
I hate Rassilon with the passion of a thousand suns. Every time I have to write his name as a 'curse' word within the context of the story, I want to pluck out the word, stomp on it, beat it bloody, stomp on it some more, well... you get the idea -- go all Koschei on his ass.
Thanks for liking it. :)
T is going to be crazy. I know I would be, that would lead to me being a zombie for a week Not eating, not really sleeping, the couch and DVD's, my computer, anything to distract myself. T is already such an emotional crazy man, this is goig to tip him. He needs a great big hug when he wakes up. I'm just the person to give it to him =)
lessee... Theta was devastated when he awoke to find Koschei gone. He knew he must solve the problem of Koschei's leaving but he couldn't get past his grief. He looked over and saw criminalkitten sitting on the chair. She climbed into bed with him and held him while he cried. Somehow her being there helped put everything into perspective. After he'd had a good long cry, he kissed her on the forehead, thanked her for being there and took off to bring his Koschei back home to him. :D
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