Title: Love Letters to Koschei, age 35 (2)
Author: von_gelmini
Fandom: Doctor Who
Characters: Theta/Koschei
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 1390
Warnings: explicit sex, D/s, BDSM
Disclaimer: I do not own Doctor Who. I am not writing this for profit.
Written for Love Letters prompt #61 - Want
Love Letters to Koschei, age 35 (2)... )
Comments 7
2) Different format of the diary is brilliant! It reminds me of the TimeLogs (I don't know if I've made up that name, but it was in some Four/Adric eps)
3) Some of the hawtest stuff I've read in a while, I'm sure I'm flushed ;)
I think the reply will probably be a standard narrative story. I want to get into both their heads to finish this little series off. The next one is about their interaction and that's hard to show one-sided.
It won't be done until tomorrow probably. Today's the day I take the kids to my mom's house. Fun for them, torture (not the good kind!) for me.
Seriously, I do so love the hand written letters you're doing here, it makes it so much more beautiful and really brings it down to a personal level. Keep up the brilliant work, you have really made me fall so much in love with this pairing. *hugs for Theta and Koschei*
Thanks again for this, I enjoyed it so very much. I'm looking forward to more with these two, they are both so adorable and loving. :D
This won't be the last we see from Theta's diary. That's as good a format as letters for writing deep inner feelings & I liked doing it.
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