[fic] : robin hood (bbc) - [RPF]

Aug 11, 2008 19:56

Dear me, what have I started?

Title: What's 'THIS. IS. LOCKSLEY.' in Hungarian?
Rating: G
Word count: 560 words
Characters: Most of the cast - Richard and Lucy, Harry, Sam, Gordon, Anjali. And Guy/Marian discussion.
Summary: In the commentary for 2x12, there's a spot of ribbing about going to see 300 together. This is one way it might have happened, and how (for Richard and Lucy) it could have impacted on a certain Guy/Marian scene of the finale...

Warning: RPF
Disclaimer: I neither claim this fic to be any more than a product of my own imagination, nor assert it to be truthful beyond (hopefully) a semi-accurate suggestion of the cast's personalities.

A/N:This fic references the infamous kick-shout combo from the 300 trailer which can be seen here.


"I can't believe I let you talk me into this, Gordon," says Anjali as they settle into their seats.

"You were interested," protests Gordon. "And it's historical!"

"I wonder if there'll be subtitles," wonders Harry, quietly, from the end of the row.

"Oh help," says Gordon. "I didn't think."

"There will be," says Richard.

And sure enough, there are. They sit there in the dark cinema, the smell of Harry's popcorn drifting along the row. Anjali cups her hands around a takeaway coffee, and busies herself with sipping from it in the battle scenes. Lucy's not quite sure what to make of it, yet. Richard leans towards her.

"You should watch this closely," he says, as a man is slaughtered in a whirl of blood and steel. "Learn some tricks."

"I quite fancy the outfits," she says, and beside her Anjali laughs.

"If Marian'd worn something like that..." he trails off.

"I don't think you - Guy, that is," she amends, "could have helped but figured out what I was."

"He might have been distracted," he says, as Leonidas barks orders, ab muscles flexing away. "If your abs looked like that."

Lucy is unconvinced. "Now where would she find the time to get so fit?" Richard laughs at that.

Harry's absorbed, though not so much that he doesn't notice Sam trying to thieve some of his popcorn.

"Oy! Where were you when I had to brave the Hungarian half-woman at the counter?" he hisses. "'Ve haf only large, sir,' she says, and winks at me. Crikey." He lets Sam take a handful anyway, and makes him pass it down the line.

Gordon shushes them. "The movie, you lot. The movie!"


"I can't believe I let you talk me into that, Gordon," says Anjali, as they cram into the taxi-cab.

"You were interes- oh, never mind," says Gordon, rolling his eyes at Sam, who grins. Anjali had been interested in seeing a movie, it was true. Whether she'd agreed to two hours of near-nude men slaughtering artistically, now that was another matter.

"You know," says Sam, "I rather liked it."

"Wish I'd watched the subtitles more closely, though," says Harry. "Might have come in useful." As Gordon laughs from the passenger seat, everyone turns to look at Harry in disbelief.

"Well," he says, in muted defense, "you never know, do you?"

It's a short journey from the cinema to their flats, but enough to establish that next time they go to a film, it's Anjali's turn to pick.


A few days later, Lucy and Richard are talking through the finale script. Not for the first time, either. The last few pages of Richard's script, where that happens, are more thumbed, more coffee-stained than the others.

"So you go mad, and stab me," she says, with half a smile. Richard looks taken aback.

"Well," he says, slowly, "I was thinking about it last night..thinking that - maybe - he doesn't mean to stab her?"


"No. He goes for her," he says, embracing the air, "and the sword, just happens...to be there..." he finishes, slightly lamely. "I'd rather not kill you, Luce!" she can't help laughing at that, "not if I can avoid it..." He runs the script corners between thumb and finger.

"Perhaps," she says, "if you scissor-kicked me, slow motion, and I fell down this long tunnel, and that was how the season ended?"

"Yelling what, exactly? 'GET. TO. KNIGHTON.'?"




type: rpf, fic: robin hood

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