Amador Legacy 1.0

Oct 08, 2011 02:48

So here we have Sophia Amador.
She came to Maple Lakes after she wanted to make a new start with a life, having heard that Maple Lakes had a diverse community. Unfortunately she also noticed after arriving that most houses in Maple Lake were far more expensive than she could afford. That's where her life in a small apartment, full of noisy neighbours begins.

She's a family and fortune sim and fancies blackhaired men wearing glasses, but they need to have a job if they want a chance.  She's rather out going and active, but also rather grumpy and can be blunt and end up offending others.

Her apartment literally consists of a place to sleep and to eat and she hopes that one day, she can afford one of the cute little houses in a few streets further down. The thing she wishes most for in life.. having three children being more successful than her. While she dropped out of college, she hopes her future children will successfully finish university. 

Not all neighbours were used to Sophia's down-to-earth gestures.

Sophia complained about it, but of course there was not much he could do. Pissed of, she went elsewhere to discover the town.

The golfclub. Recalling memories of her sucking at golf, she went and asked one of the locals to help her (colemariesims). Knox was more than willing.

Meanwhile Maple Lake's ladies were chatting off ( Taz Dai by remisims, Nienke is one of my own and Flapper by snapun) Knox is still busy with telling Sophia how to hit the ball. Such patience he has.

But finally she got the hang of it and she gratefully thanked him for his advice. 


However when she wanted to know him better, he got angry at her. Sophia didn't understand why; she was just flirting.

Then she saw the following scene in front of her and took one conclusion. Knox fancied men (Marko Grundtal by remisims ). Rather disappointed by him disliking her, she went home and made herself some food. She then got a slightly insane, but wicked idea. Why not starting a bakery? It would get her out of that apartment in no time. Everyone loved pastries, right?

She lends some money and purchases one cute little bakery in the library. Sophia's really excited about starting up a business and grabs the most nearby person to talk about it. Keoni however doesn't look too interested (keoni_chan).

Then Gunnar showed up (backerbse) and things went well.. to a certain degree.

We also discover what Keoni does like (Horace is again, one of my own).

Exhausted but also sad people kept telling her off, she headed straight to bed after she got home safely. Was tomorrow going to be a better day?

Her neighbours are a tad weird..

The following morning Sophia checks out the bakery she'd bought and falls in love with it. Starting with baking cookies - there's no time to lose! - the two guys from yesterday show up. Despite their different sexual preferences, they still like Sophia enough to offer some support.

Back home she calls Marko... she grew rather fond of him and while she has no idea if the feelings are mutual, she can always try, right?

Also, her suspicions are confirmed; her neighbours are not only weird, but also stupide. Everyone knows skunks aren't to be trusted!

After a nice breakfast, she has a wonderful day with Marko, in which they both discovered they found great company.. in each other.

The next day she invites him to her apartmant and expressed the want to live together. He agrees, but they couldn't possibly live in a place as small as this...

And they move in a quite large home, perfect for the two of them and some more. As she learnt now, Marko is incredibly neat and out going, but also lazy and serious. It sounds like the perfect guy to her. Being both a pleasure and popularity sim, the news that he wanted to achieve fifty dream dates wasn't exactly unexpected.

It disappointed her, but he told her he'd fallen in love with her and wouldn't mind having fifty dream dates with her and her alone. That's where he proposed and and Sophia could barely hide her excitement.

Coincidentically, Marko is a chef in the culinary career and volunteered to help her out with the bakery. After all, they somehow have to pay back that 50,000 dollar Sophia lent. 

Running a business is very tiresome though, so they decided to reward themselves after they got home. Each in their own way. Now they had plenty of space, they decided to get a pet - a long time wish from both. They adopted Whisper from the shelter, a sweet elder cat who loves to roll around in the mud. 

They were the perfect family. Little did they know more was on their way...

community: pixel_trade, sims: amador legacy, sims: pics, sims 2

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