004. all eyes on me.

Sep 30, 2009 22:09

New-ish layout. Thought I should add a banner, spruce it up a bit. Thanks to everyone who commented on my username change. I love you guys; you're super awesome. XD ( Read more... )

topic: college, topic: house md, topic: gossip girl, topic: livejournal, security: public, topic: melrose place

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Comments 10

stops October 1 2009, 12:31:52 UTC
lol sadly, I'm already so bored with Gossip Girl. The only show that I legitimately keep up with is Glee. I'm obsessed and THIS WEEK DID NOT DISAPPOINT. Im almost excited for you to see it lol

I hope school gets better for you! I know how much it sucks when you feel bored with what you're learning ): but at least you did awesome on your presentation!


voirs October 2 2009, 07:09:57 UTC
Glee is just amazing. I'm going to watch the newest episode right after I finished responding to comments. XD Nice way to end the night.

How's school for you? Are you doing okay? I know freshman year is like the "shoot-me-in-the-brains" year because it seems like high school all over again. And you're going into journalism right? Exciting, exciting!


shownemotion October 1 2009, 13:56:51 UTC
Glee! This weeks episode was soo good, hurry up and watch it so we can all discuss =P lol just kidding. but really, it was an amazing episode.


voirs October 2 2009, 07:10:08 UTC
I'll watch it now! XD


miss_golithly October 1 2009, 19:52:52 UTC
the new layout is really pretty! i love it.
i think gossip girl is too boring this season :/
glee is seriously amazing though!


voirs October 2 2009, 07:10:48 UTC
UGH Gossip Girl is so boring right now, but I'm just so excited that Jenny is getting more of a storyline next week. W/E if I stop watching, I can always catch up if it gets better.


one_sweetlove October 2 2009, 02:07:06 UTC


voirs October 2 2009, 07:11:04 UTC


crayoned October 2 2009, 02:26:35 UTC
I love that idea for a project! I havent gotten any fun, creative projects in school at all yet since like, middle school lol

I hope GG gets better but it doesnt seem very up to par with last season at all.


voirs October 2 2009, 07:16:42 UTC
Fun projects are great. Hopefully you'll get some soon, because school is just so boring without them.

They seem to go down every season, like they're running out of plotlines! I just hope it gets better, but I feel like because they know it's popular, they can basically do what they want and still get ratings.

OH OH you have twitter right? I added you! I'm ~jmelianne.


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