007. because all the cool kids are doing it.

Oct 13, 2009 20:52

Okay, not really, but I have decided to open gleekitout, a daily glee community!

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topic: promotion, security: public

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Comments 4

stops October 14 2009, 12:15:30 UTC
you know me and my penchant for helping! but since i actually like this comm like a lot a lot, i'll help! :)


voirs October 14 2009, 19:12:21 UTC
:) adding you so you have posting access! you don't have to post ~everyday, but just once a while, so it's not so boring with just me posting lol.


greatcou_ple October 14 2009, 13:47:24 UTC
I'd be interested in helping :)


voirs October 14 2009, 19:13:01 UTC
:) adding you so you have posting access! you don't have to post ~everyday, but just once a while, so it's not so boring with just me posting! psssss, i love your icon, cuz quinn is definitely my favorite.


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