Jan 09, 2023 18:15
- Sun, 19:31: Friend just got out of surgery to remove a tumor from their brain. We won't know for a couple days if it is cancerous or not, but it is making me flash back hard to my dad who died from stage 4 cancer in his brain.
Dec 01, 2022 09:57
- Thu, 06:52: I though of a good storyline for a novel. Just got to write the ones ahead of it first...
Nov 03, 2022 12:00
- Thu, 07:25: Good morning furry writer friends, I am looking to see if someone has a way of contacting bryannickleberry who was in the 2014 Rainfurrest Anthology, as well as a couple. Their email bounced and I need to get in contact with them about a reprint. Thank you for your help!!