car kidnapping should be learnt before attempting 2; dean/maria; prompted my fehrplay

May 03, 2009 11:06

Fandom: Roswell, Supernatural
Author: vodooman
Rating: g
Genre: humour, prompted, crossover
Characters/Pairings: Maria/Dean
Short summary: “Ahhh shit!”…
Any warnings: none...
Disclaimer: Roswell and Supernatural and its characters are not mine. I only write fanfiction!
A/N: To write this is defiantly fun!!! I am having a blast here… I just hope that my characters aren’t going to be tooo ooc! I know John might be later on I take it back... John isn't out of character... at least not a lot... lol!… anyway… have fun reading and don’t forget to review or comment! Because seriously I need feedback!!


He then turned away from her and got out of the car. Took a couple of steps until he heard a car door slam shut. Instantly turning back to the high jacket car, he saw Maria making her way towards him. Annoyed he asked “What do you think you're doing? Go back and wait in the car!”

“I'm coming with you” she said pouting when she saw that there was no arguing about it. Dean didn't want her there with him, and yet she just didn't want to stay in the car alone.

“Look here, I can't take you with me. I'll have to make sure that you're alright, and that won't give me enough concentration to look for my brother and father to rescue them!”

Maria looked at him again, frowning. Did he even tell her what he wanted to rescue his family from, she thought. No, he didn't... Did she actually want to know? Somehow she had the feeling whatever Dean would have told her if she asked that question would be a lie anyway, so instead of arguing to come with him, or asking him about why and what it was that he had to rescue his family from, Maria only nodded and stepped back to the car.

She opened the car door, and looked back to where Dean had continued his path. She couldn’t help but shudder again. Something about this place was off. She looked at the windows of the abounded house, some still whole some already broken and adding to the scary mood and setting, and then noticed a shadow pass by one of the windows in the top floor. Her eyes widened and fearfully Maria quickly climbed into the car and shut the door, making sure to lock the car.

Meanwhile Dean had made it into the house. He was standing in the living room and pointing the gun, he had had hidden and now taken from under his shirt, making sure not to waver his concentration from his line of possible shooting.

Now that he was here, he thought, he needed another plan. And a good one this time... But not being the strategic genius his little brother was, Dean contently stuck to things he knew. Find dad and Sammy, free them - if they were still alive - and then kill the sonofabitch that did they were here to hunt anyway.

He heard a creaking sound from upstairs and rolled his eyes. 'Dude, could it get any more cliché?' was all he could think. Of course his father and brother were going to be held captive in the top floor, and then he was going to climb the stairs, which would creak every time he took a step, and then the big bad was going to be upstairs too... urrggg! was what he thought for a moment, before making his way to the stairs.

As predicted, every time Dean took a step, the stairs under him would creak. He moved slowly, and made sure to keep an eye opened, in case the demon would ambush him from upstairs or downstairs.

When he finally got to the top of the stairs, and here he breathed a sigh of relief, because even if he was more experienced than most boys in his age with the supernatural, this now did give him quite the adrenaline rush, he slowly made his way towards one of the doors that were slightly ajar.

Pointing his gun towards the opening, Dean opened the door by pushing it opened with the tip of the gun. He walked into the shaded room, and heard muffled sounds. His heart was by now beating loudly and quickly, and even his vision seemed to be more pointed, all sure signs that the adrenaline rush was still working in his system.

That was when he found his father and brother, both tied to chairs, while their mouths were tapped closed. His father was staring at him with wide opened panic in his eyes. His brother was trying to point to something behind him, and Dean had enough time to mutter “Ahh shit!” before he felt himself being slammed against a wall.

Outside, Maria was being busy with keeping herself occupied to not get scared. She started out with singing, which calmed her enough, until she started singing soundtracks, which got her to thinking about the movies to it, which got her to movies in general, which now got her to thinking about recent movies she wanted to see with Liz and Alex, which now lead her to horror movies, which had the opposite effect of what she actually wanted to have. So now she was scared like a little kid, and was staring out of the window expecting something to jump onto the car any moment now.

She was starting to feel paranoid, because she tried to argue with herself that there wasn't something out there watching her. Waiting for a weak moment before whatever it was that Dean had to do to save his father and brother from, would jump her and eat her alive... She shuddered with fear, telling herself to stop creating perfect horror movie scenes. There is nothing out there... there is nothing out there... she repeated multiple times.

That was when she noticed the black car, an Impala as far as her car knowledge went, parked hidden behind some bushes near her car. She swallowed and reached for the door. She knew enough about scary movies, to know that the unsuspecting victim inside the car always died first, so with new determination she opened the car door and ran to the other parked car.

She took a look around it, and then tested the door. It was opened. Thank god, was all she thought. She climbed into it, and noticed at once the distinct male smell of the car. Without feeling like she should feel guilty, Maria started to look through the car, looking for anything that would defend her, incase she needed to. She found two guns inside the passenger’s car drawer.

Wondering why they had two instead of one gun in the car, Maria made a grab for it, when she heard a loud scream. She recognized Dean’s voice, and was sure that if those windows had been whole and not broken she wouldn't have noticed that Dean was in trouble.

So what was she to do now? Should she go inside and help him, but risk her own life, or should she just make a run for it, and report to the police what happened, so that professional help could rescue Dean and his family.


maria deluca, dean winchester, fanfiction, maria/dean, crossover roswell/supernatural

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