Title: back at one.
Pairing(s): Jensen/Jared.
Rating: PG-13.
Warnings: Schmoop.
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Summary: It’s at one of those fancy, hooray-our-show-was-picked-up parties when Jensen realizes that Jared's probably the biggest blessing in his life.
Word Count: 539.
Notes: Title, cut text, and lyrics from Back At One by Brian McKnight (edited slightly).
One; you’re like a dream come true.
It’s at one of those fancy, hooray-our-show-was-picked-up parties when Jensen realizes that Jared's probably the biggest blessing in his life.
His sister has tried to point out more than once that it should be weird from him to think something like that when he’s only known the guy about a week shy of a month, but he doesn't. He honestly can't bring himself to find anything weird about it at all. And, really, when Jared rests one giant hand gently over his heart and turns to him with a smile that Jensen knows, somehow, is only for him (even when there are a dozen cameras flashing wildly around them) just reassures him that it isn’t, in fact, weird at all.
Two; just wanna be with you.
There's an odd feeling that settles in Jensen's stomach when a lazy Saturday night rolls around and he finds himself sitting in Jared’s living room, playing XBox, instead of being on the flight back to Dallas that he had booked earlier in the week.
He knows his parents are going to be quite upset when he isn't standing in the airport waiting for them tomorrow afternoon but Jensen couldn't ignore the feeling that his heart was crumbling the further away he drove from Jared's house. It was obvious that there was a choice to be made: following through on seeing his family or heading back to Jared's.
If he hadn't been so relieved that, at the very moment his Range Rover had changed directions, his heart seemed to stop falling apart he would have freaked out about how easy it was to choose the latter.
Three; it’s plain to see, you’re the only one for me.
Jensen was on his third beer when the cute girl from across the room came over and introduced herself. Her name was Cindy and her body was incredible. Jensen found it pretty amazing just how quickly he'd been able to turn her down.
Four; I repeat steps one through three.
There’s a terrible rainstorm the day Jensen opened his front door to a soaking wet Jared. What happened the very next second was all very new: Jensen’s hand followed the path of a stray rain drop as it trailed down Jared’s cheek.
When Jared turned his face into Jensen’s palm, all the moments that lead up to this point played in fast-forward through his mind like, maybe, they had both been in slow motion up until tonight. Jensen knew then, for a fact, that they were now both at just the right speed.
Five; I’ll make you fall in love with me.
When Jensen laid Jared out on his bed for the first time, white wash sheets down around their ankles in a wrinkled mess and their clothes randomly decorating the floor, it was all very subtle and smooth, and soft and slow; everything their hectic life, up until that moment, never got to be.
And if ever I believe my work here is done, I’ll start back at one.