Locked to the Loid+ family (EDIT: Important Hyperion Staff part of lock now.)

Aug 11, 2009 05:21

*The video starts recording, facing a couch with Rin on it and Len messing with the D-comm before setting it down and sitting besides Rin.*

Hey guys. So Rin and I were talking and we decided that maybe we should record this explanation for those who don't know and will come in the future. Namely the....error that we've been experiencing in the Digital World.

...Sometimes when we sleep, me and Len see strange things. Like....other people, but they look like us. You're in them too sometimes. And then when we wake up, we think we are those people.

It's happened twice already. The first time we did it at the same time. The second time it was just me alone. The first time I thought I was a prisoner in a war camp.

I...thought I was a girl in a hospital nearby. We knew you guys as other people, and nothing could really get us out of it except...singing.

We sang a song that sounded like how those people meant together that first time. After we sang, we both passed out and woke up as ourselves. And...I'm not sure on this part, but the second time when I was on my own, I would only sing because Rin told me too. That might have been the type of guy he was, but if no one else can convince one of us to sing when we're odd on our own, get the other if we don't know what happened.

And the first time, we just kinda wanted to. It's like...we were drawn to the mike. *Pause.* ...And the songs are ones I've heard before. They're...songs from back home, I think.

They....do seem familiar, but I can never seem to remember them. Like I think there's more to the songs, but I don't know what.

Even if we've sang 'em before. *Small frustrated sigh*. ...There...was a locket too. And a message...

*Len pulls a locket out of his shirt.* I found this before I entered the Digital World, like Rin did with the message. *Opens it, glancing at Rin before holding up the locket for the camera.* Haku-neechan cleaned it, but....this locket was ancient. I couldn't open it because of rust. *And there's a picture inside of two people, who look exactly like Rin and Len in a black and white photograph.*

*Rin takes the bottle with message from beside her.* "I found this the day I came to the Digital World. It's just as old as Len's - it's falling apart - and it says... "One day, I'd like to play with you again." For some reason, I KNOW those words.

And we keep....thinking things about these items, things we really shouldn't know, but are so certain about. Like...that the message was full of regrets....and the person it was written too didn't want the writer to be sad and forgave them for....whatever they regretted. *Closes the locket, holding it tightly.* And we're possessive of them.

...I wasn't like this before. Len wasn't either. We...we don't know why this is happening, but...we wanted to let you guys know...

Yeah. It's....it's not a virus or an error. At least, none we can find. Haku-neechan has looked plenty of times and we've tried to find something, but every scan says we're running just fine. So....we're not sure what it is and if it can be fixed. *Looks over at Rin.* Think we got it all?

...Yeah. I do. I think...that was everything. ...None of these...things seem harmful now, either...

Yeah. The guy I was a second time was a jerk, but other than that. we haven't gotten hurt, so don't worry about that. So, uh, all, guess that's everything. *Stands up and leans over to shut off the recording.*

[EDIT] *Len appears on screen.* So, uh, we hit a personality that was violent and tried to cut off people's hands.

Therefore, if Rin and I are not ourselves, be cautious as we don't know if the new personality will be violent or not. *And recording shuts off again.*

((OOC: Rin is bold, normal is Len. Done with Rin-mun's permission.))

message, past lives, we're insane, songs, family, locket, rin

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