Fic: Birds Of A Feather

Oct 16, 2009 02:03

 And here it is!  Now...sleep!

Title: Birds Of A Feather
Author: Singer
Characters: Dick, Roy, Jason, mentions of Dinah and Lian
Pairings: n/a but leans towards Roy/Dick.
Rating: Pg-13
Disclaimer: Not my Characters... *still rejoicing on being back!*
Warnings: People say bad words!  I reject DCU reality and substitute my own! (completely disregard the whole black hand fiasco).  Hard to understand without reading the prequels.
Summary:  Roy and Dick seek out some help from a reluctant ally.  The sequel to Light As A Feather, Stiff As A Board ,  Pin Feathers!Feather In Your Cap and Flight Of Hope.  Which was Inspired by  Bright Essence I: Darkness Rising written by  bradygirl_12 .  An adorable unofficial sequel, Ruffled Feathers, was written by  shiny_glor_chan  too!

New York really seemed much cleaner from up here.  The litter was so far away it was almost invisible.  With human eyes, it probably would’ve been.

Dick shifted his wings as he caught another up draft, angling his wings so that the lift from below and resistance up above leveled out.  He continued to glide on the air currents.  It felt as though sheer relief, the exhilaration of finally getting out there and doing something after nearly a week of waiting, who knows how many months of being stuck so fractured, could have borne him up on its own.

He’d been like the freaking energizer birdie since Roy had figured out his name!

Everything since then had all moved so fast it began to blur at the edges.

One minute he’d been happily zipping around Roy’s living room, singing at the top of his lungs, only stopping for some quick, affectionate, thank-you-nuzzles.  The next, Lian had been in the room explaining to her father that, ‘well of course he was Uncle Dick!’ and, ‘Didn’t you already know that Daddy?’  Which bled right into typing up the short version of his situation on Roy’s laptop with all three arrows crowding around.  He remembers Lian calling the soul snatcher a ‘mean ol’ baddie,’ Dinah being frustrated with just about everyone under the sun for not noticing sooner, and Roy being in a slight state of shock.  Actually, Roy had been in a slight state of shock ever since the Ouija board thing, come to think of it.

All this had lead into the inevitable, ‘what do we do now’s’ and ‘where do we go from here’s’ that inevitably lead to action.  They had come to two conclusions, that they didn’t have time to waste, and that they were going to need some help to bring down something that moved, and fought like Nightwing.

Thus, a slapdash plan had started to form, which somehow got them where they were now.  He and Roy were dashing through the New York night in search of a potential ally while Dinah held down the home front with Lian.

Dick let himself catch a little extra lift from a thermal as he continued to scan the ground.  He made out the form of several thugs slumped in an alley below.  They must be getting closer.

When they first started to discuss who to bring into their little rescue, they had realized that they were going to need someone who could handle hand to hand on Nightwing’s level.  Someone who was familiar with his fighting style.  Dick had a pretty good idea of who to look up.

Dick readjusted his wings to accommodate for a shift in the wind, Arsenal following him on the rooftops.  He really was going to owe Roy big after all of this.  He gave him his own floral nest after all.

Out of the corner of his eye he spotted their target, only three rooftops away.  He let out a loud whistle to alert his red haired partner and began to make his descent.  He perched on Roy’s shoulder just as his boots landed on the rooftop across from the man they’d been tracking ever since nightfall.  The archer’s shoulder was tense under his feet.  He knew that Roy didn’t particularly agree with this course of action, but Dick could feel that this was a right move.

“You gonna tell me why the hell you’ve been following me all night or not?”

“Hello Jason,” Roy replied.  Jason just flatly observed them from the other side of the roof, his arms crossed and gun still held loosely in one hand.  Dick shuffles a bit, trying to be patient and let the two of them get their sizing up out of the way but failing miserably.  He gives him a chirp and nudge against his cheek.

Well, get on with it!

This earned them a raised eyebrow.  “Any reason in particular you decided to indulge your inner pirate tonight?”

“This is serious,” Roy replied, ignoring Jason as he mumbled a quiet ‘Could’ve fooled me.’

He continued as if the other vigilante hadn’t spoken, “ Look, we need your help.”

“We?” Jason asked nonplussed.

The archer inclined his head towards the bird on his shoulder, “Dick’s body has been possessed by some sort of soul thief.  He’s stuck as a bird until we can get it back.”

The silence that stretched afterwards was thick enough that Dick doubted he could’ve flown through it.

“…You want me to believe that Dick is a bird?” Jason deadpanned.


“You’re kidding, right?”

Roy snorted, “Says the man who came back from the dead.”

At this point Jason was regarding the red head as if he had a particular padded cell in mind for him.

“You know, I probably would’ve told just about anyone else to go fuck them self from the start, but since you actually haven’t screwed me over recently I figured I’d humor you for a bit.  But that doesn’t mean-“

Dick tuned out the rest of his brother’s words.  It was about time he took matters into his own hands.  He took from Roy’s shoulder crossed the distance between the two men.

“Hey!” Jason exclaimed as he came in for a landing on the barrel of his gun.  His feet slipped slightly on the smooth, slanted metal.

“Get off!” Jason said as he managed to get one of his feet on the hammer, flapping his hand at him in general shooing manner.  Dick just let out a squawk and flapped his wings right back at him. He turned his attention back to the gun barrel.  It should be fairly easy to get a message across and my Jason was keeping this in good condition!  It was all nice and shiny, and he could even see his-

-No! Focus Grayson!

He began tapping his beak against the cool metal surface.

Jason could feel his is eyes widen as the birds tapping registered as Morse code, quickly resolving into a brief message that said  ‘sorry about my body.  stop.  it is being a bitch.  stop.  are you ok. stop.’

“No way…” he gawked at the bird who was patiently observing him, “He can’t be… Dick?”  He was answered with a chirrup and a satisfied ruffle.

“Why not?” he sighed, “Stranger things have happened.”

He turned back to the archer, “So why are you telling me?”

Roy’s face lost all traces of the amusement he had felt watching Red Hood fumble with his barely contained shock, “Apparently this thing has been drawing on energy from Dick’s soul for a while now.  It’s probably gotten pretty powerful by now, and it fights like him.  That, and Dick’s not so good at the whole hand-to-hand thing at the moment.”

Dick quickly peeked at his folded wings.  That was a fair statement.

“So, what do you say?”

Jason weighed his options as he turned his eyes back to the colorful avian looking up at him with its complete and undivided attention.

He heaved another sign, “Fine.”

He found his face immediately bombarded with bunches of extremely grateful twitters and a slew of feathery nuzzles to his sheer embarrassment.

“Just get this crazy bird off me!”

But Roy was laughing too hard to care.


roy, dick, jason

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