Summer In Neptune (6/?)

Oct 13, 2006 11:14

Title: Summer In Neptune (6/?)
Author: Pat Kelly
Pairing: Veronica/Buffy
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 3003
Summary: A crossover with BtVS. Buffy runs away from Sunnydale and goes to the first place she called home.
Timeline: Between S2 and S3 for BtVS. Between S1 and S2 of VM, so there be possible spoilers. Fudged with the years, so Buffy is 17 in 2005, not 1998, like in the show.

"Buffy, honey?" Keith was trying to get her attention. "If your friends find you passed out on our floor, there are a hundred, different scenarios they could report back to your mother that'll say something about my ability to care for her firstborn--all of them bad."

"My grandfather, before he died a couple years ago? Had to use this portable respirator." Mac said from the couch, concerned. "She looks like she needs"

Wallace, whose hair was returning to its natural, afro-like state, nodded from his spot next to her. "Sure does." He side-whispered to her, "Sorry about your gramps."

"Thanks." She whispered back.

Veronica had been beside her father at the door, but walked over to where Buffy was standing next to the chair, got in front of her, and put hands on her shoulders. "Breathe." She instructed. "Breathe or I get the tape. And play it."

Buffy's nervous eyes became nervous for a whole other reason now. She released the air she'd been holding in. "You swore."

"And now it'll continue to hold." Veronica told her before smiling. "Sorry, drastic measures." She switched gears to assurance. "They don't hate you; you know they don't, because you've talked to them. They miss, and wanna see you. That's why they're coming."

"What happened?" Mac mouthed to Wallace. "And what tape?" She tried to make a "tape" shape with her hands.

He shrugged, in the dark.

"I know, but..." Buffy starting saying, but tapered off.

The phone was different than facing them, which is what she came to Neptune to not do. She was imagining all the ways this could go wrong, and she just didn't want to screw up. She couldn't lose their friendship--it would devastate her to have driven away the only people in Sunnydale High who'd wanted to know her. They were going to be here any minute, so she'd find out how this was going to go real soon.

Another two weeks had gone by. It was Saturday, July 2nd, and yesterday--at Logan's preliminary hearing--the D.A.'s PCHer witnesses were so thoroughly discredited by the defense, that at the end of it he conceded, and the judge threw the case out. Logan was free, and Veronica told Buffy that when she got in the limo with him outside the courthouse, the town wasn't happy. Half of it, anyway.

And earlier today, while she was in Logan's yellow Hummer, someone took a shot at them. Which Buffy was not happy about. Her natural, protective instinct wanted to hunt down and hurt the shooter. Veronica was visibly shaken up, but Keith didn't know. Buffy also wasn't happy about her and Logan, especially if he was somebody's target, but they were maintaining their resolve not to cross any lines (again).

Tonight was for fun. Everything else would still be there in the morning.

"But you just like to amp up the drama; it's like panicking about the 'Acid Rain' speech all over again." Veronica teased. "And what happened?"

"I got the hiccups." Buffy mumbled.

"*Chronically*. Couldn't even get past your own name. So stop the stress; it doesn't help." Veronica half-advised, half-ordered. "Besides, we don't wanna hafta pretend not to know that weird girl in the corner who sounds like she swallowed a frog on meth. Which we're more than prepared to do." She looked to her friends for support.

"We-we can be cruel." Mac nodded, and spur of the moment, did a "Vanna White" gesture over Wallace's face.

His, "'Cuse me? Am I supposed to care who you are?" expression was on display.

"Satisfied?" Veronica asked when Buffy looked back at her, and not over her shoulder.

The slayer giggled, and her tension slowly evaporated. "I don't ever wanna be anywhere near the receiving of *that*."

"Learned it from my mom over the years." Wallace said, once he broke "character." "She sees Jehovah's Witnesses coming up the block? Forget it. Freezes 'em on the spot, then they turn tail'n'*run*--Watchtowers' go flyin'."

"Speaking of the woman who strikes fear in the hearts of mobile, religious organizations," Veronica turned around, speaking to her father, "what time is she picking you up?"

"First of all," Keith began, "we're leaving together. She just happens to be meeting me here because Darryl's babysitter for tonight, lives in the complex. Mrs. Walker? I recommended her--you were present." Veronica, Buffy, Mac, and Wallace were all looking at each other silently saying, "She wears the pants in the relationship." He sighed at this. "Seven-thirty."

"Okay, but I don't want you staying out till all hours--people might talk. Then I'll just have to defend your honor every time some random person on the street calls my dad, 'That Keyed-Up, Tripped-Out, Slice of White-Bred Man-Whore...Who Used To Be Sheriff.'" His daughter said, exhaustedly. "My analyst bills are already gonna be high enough without that."

"And I don't want you thinking even abstractly, about the *idea* of intoxication." He warned, reclaiming his role as parent. "I worked an embezzlement case for 'The Pit's' owner; he knows what'll happen if I find out he served any minors related to me. By blood or otherwise." He made sure she knew that. "All of you promise not to drink, and I promise not to sell myself around town. Also, keep in mind that I do have a breathalyzer lying in wait."

They knew Keith Mars wasn't to be taken lightly, which was why the quartet chorused, "We promise."

"Good. As do I." He could hear voices getting closer outside. "Anyway, I think we're spending most of the night in. At her place."

Instantaneously, like they'd been sucker punched, Veronica and Wallace exclaimed a disturbed, "AW!"


"Avon calling!" Xander Harris said cheerily through the screen door.

Cordelia Chase smacked him. "Stop--I'm getting 'Worm Guy' flashbacks."

"Ow!" He rubbed his arm where it stung. "You act like it was your first, horrifyingly traumatic brush with squirmy death...and he's why we're together today!"

"Yeah," Her eyes went skyward, as if begging the heavens for strength, "don't remind me."

Willow pushed past both of them, rolled her eyes, and knocked. "Hi, um, can we come in?" She asked the people inside the apartment, who'd just been kind of staring at the odd couple's back-and-forth.

Veronica put her hand on Buffy's back and pushed her forward. This nearly made her trip, but she recovered, and went to let them in, smiling broadly. She hadn't realized how much she missed them, and Willow and Xander communicated that as well, by smothering her in dual bear hugs.

"Hey, guys." Their cheerleader tag along gave a short, not quite as enthusiastic, wave. "Hi, Cordelia." This was getting painful. "Uh, lungs not expanding."

They both hurriedly and blushingly ceased. "It's just great to see you, Buff." Xander said sincerely.

"It really is. But I've missed you more. Super more." Willow started right after him. "Cordelia was supposed to go away with her parents again this summer, but she didn't so her and Xander could spend it making out in every closet Sunnydale has."

"That is totally false! I didn't go because Las Palmas is like, the Motel 6 of all-inclusive resorts, and if I wanted to go to a Motel 6--which, *no*--they're a dime a dozen here. Literally. Why should I fly all the way to Mexico for a knock-off?" Cordelia ranted, setting the record straight. "Xander wasn't even a variable. Whatsoever."

"*09er*!" Mac coughed into her hand.

Veronica and Wallace shielded their mouths, while Xander was busy being offended. "Hey!" He exclaimed. "No, ya know what? 'Double hey!' With a side of, 'See if you ever taste these lips again' oats!"

"What?" Cordelia asked, not seeing the problem. "No offense, baby."

Buffy looked like she'd eaten some bad fish...*Baby*?

"They were like this the whole drive, Buffy." Willow complained, frowning. "I can't take it anymore."

"Don't worry, it'll be okay now...and did you cut your hair?" Buffy noticed, turning herself around and placing her arm over the redhead's shoulders. "Wait, wanna introduce you first." She pointed everyone out as she named them. "That's Veronica, Wallace, and Mac. And that's Mr. Mars--he's Veronica's dad." Willow's wave *was* enthusiastic. "Everybody? This is Willow. You already pretty much know who 'Ozzie and Harriet' are."

There was a string of "Heys" and "Hi"'s bandied about between the teenagers, while the adult said, "It's nice to meet you, finally; Buffy and her mom have both spoken very highly." He might've been trying too hard with his first impression. Due to previously stated concerns. "Any friend of hers--"

"--is a little weird." Mac interrupted with a smirk. "You'll fit right in."

"That Beetle outside? It's hers." Buffy told Willow, encouraging her over to the girl with the red streak in her hair. "Ask her to tell ya how she got it. She's very...capitalist with her computing skills." Pause. "Where's Oz?"

"He came last night with the band." Willow answered. "He-he's probably been at the club since this afternoon rehearsing and setting up stuff. Cordelia drove us in her car." It was hell, but her "geek curiousness" overpowered the memory as she asked Mac, "Capitalist?"

Mac, having not forgotten that she wanted to discover this girl's secret to attracting cool guys like Oz, was seizing a golden opportunity. "I think we can learn much from one another."

"Xander, d'you know Wallace likes 'MAD Magazine'?" Buffy said to him, after leaving the girls to chat.

"See? Weird." Mac commented to Willow.

Wallace's gaze went to Veronica, and it accused her of leaking information. Veronica played dumb. Xander was elated.

"Finally! Someone who shares my secret shame!"

Cordelia stood alone, and was feeling very "odd-woman-out." "I don't get paired up?" She asked, and as if knowing a punch line needed supplying, Backup had managed to nudge open the bathroom door (they'd put him in there so he wouldn't freak at all the new people), and rushed directly to her. "Oh, that's really great. Not."

Buffy went back over by Veronica, who couldn't stop herself. "Aww, Backup's found himself a bitch!"

"Shhh!" Buffy uttered, trying not to give in to the funny.

"Told ya the hate wouldn't be there." Veronica said with a bit of a cocky grin.

"Yeah, yeah." Despite the words, Buffy was smiling. "So Logan *isn't* coming?"

"Said he had plans 'with the boys.'" While Veronica worried he was going to get himself killed if he wasn't careful, she was less than bothered that he turned down her invitation. "And not to wait up. I didn't ask." Buffy's hand slipped into hers. "C'mon...we better scram before Backup starts humping her leg."

At the other end of the living room, Xander was asking Wallace, "Is Neptune really vampire-free? 'Cause in Sunnydale, they could have their own union."

"Huh?" Wallace and Mac sputtered together.

"I...wasn't supposed to ask that question, was I?"



"How's the vampire situation?" Buffy asked Xander later at their group's chosen table in The Pit, which lived up to its name, being even danker and smaller than the Bronze.

"Quiet, like last summer." He said, and they watched Willow and Mac in the crowd, watching the Dingoes play.

"And you guys aren't patrolling, right?"

"The thought was mulled over, but then Giles did his 'British Guy Lecture and Stare Down' routine, and the thought decided to die."

"With glasses or without?" She tread fearfully.

Gravely, "*Without.*" He had all her sympathy. "There are no words." Pushing it from his mind, he went on. "So Willow's just been putting up flyers telling people to stay by light and crowded places after sundown. And you know how 'Dog With a Rawhide' she gets over a new hobby."

She grinned. "How many have you had to hang?"

"Lost track around, oh, let's see, a cotillion?" He sipped his Sprite.

"Xander? A cotillion is a ball. For, y'know, debutantes-to-be?" Buffy informed him with a small smile.

"I knew that." He said after a long pause. "But enough about boring old Sunnydale, what's up with you, my super-powered pal? How's the hometown treatin' ya?"

"Good. I'm working, gaining valuable life experience...that's teaching me people are rude, annoying and stupid--" She'd just about had it with customer service.

"That was actually in the first draft of the fact."

"--but I've been hanging out with Veronica even then, so it's bearable. We just make fun of them when they leave." She needed to get off topic for a second. "I told Willow already, but, I'm sorry I took off like I did, and you have no idea how glad I am that you're here."

"We get why you had to; thanks for saying it, though--I *guess* I can forgive. And we too, felt much gladness for the invite. A total, Buffy-less summer woulda been the worst drag in the long history of 'em." He smiled, and now she didn't have to worry. "You and Veronica are close, huh? 'Me and Willow' close?"

"Uh huh..." They both looked over to where Veronica and Cordelia were standing together in the drink line. Unhappily. "More or less." It was possible that they might have to be separated. "Cordelia really sprung for suites at the Neptune Grand till Monday?"

"Yep, she does love her some luxury. They have a masseuse!" Then he sighed in disappointment. "Whose name is Shawna, and whose services I'm forbidden to enlist." She chuckled. "And before you go getting any crazy notions, it's me and Oz in one suite, and Cordelia and Willow in the other. Sadly, there is no hanky or panky." Wallace came back over to the table, then. "Did you answer nature's call?"

"Better believe it." The young man responded, getting himself settled. "K, I gotta hear more about that 'Praying Mantis Lady.'"


"'Just be myself'?" Mac repeated back to Willow over the loudness of the music and the crowd. "That can't seriously work!"

"I know," Willow understood the reaction to her advice, "I couldn't believe it, either! But now I have a boyfriend! Who's doing a solo!"

Mac couldn't deny the evidence in front of her face. Yet, Willow's boyfriend was also a werewolf, so she had to take that into account as well. Too hairy for her tastes.


A little while later, in between the band's sets, Veronica slumped into a chair next to Buffy at the table.

"You too?" Buffy said, handing her the bottled water she left behind.

Veronica took a healthy swig. "My dogs they are a'barking."

"What's the latest?"

As arrangers of this evening's activity, they felt it was their duty to be the hostesses, and make the rounds. See that everyone was jiving and such. It was generally going as good as they'd hoped it would.

"Xander and Cordelia are dance-grinding, Wallace is hitting on a 'hottie,'" Yes, Veronica did make air quotes, "because if Xander can snag one, he can snag one, and, Willow, Mac, and Oz are over on the couch debating the pros and cons of 'Digital Rights Management' as it relates to the downloadable music market. I chose not to jump in." Buffy looked their direction, saw the heated discussion, and figured that was wise. "But I'm about ready to shove Cordelia's 'fashion sense' right up her..." At the last second, she bit her tongue. "She called my boots 'butch'; the old me would get incriminating photos of those who have that misconception."

"Well, they are semi, uh..."

Veronica gasped. "I am *not* the butch one."

Was she implying something? "Are you saying I am?"

"You do lift cars."

Now Buffy gasped. "That's not even...shut up."

Seconds drifted by.

"We're gonna hafta decide which one of us is, you know." Veronica said, because one them had to. "Gina Gershon and Jennifer Tilly taught us that."

"Didn't one of them die at the end? Or both of them?"

"I think that's 'Thelma and Louise.' But I have to admit, the plot always kind of escapes me." Veronica took another sip.

"Maybe we should find out, 'cause I don't think modeling our future relationship on two people who die is the way to go." Buffy suggested rather sensibly, drinking her iced tea.

"And plus, as soon as Romeo and Juliet went that route, it became so 1597." Veronica quipped. "Not to get all, rom-com before 'the humorous obstacle scene' or anything, but, I want to kiss you. Just puttin' it out there."

"Me too, but you can't just say it like that." Buffy admonished, already thinking about it. "Remember what happened last time?"

"Vividly. That's sorta why I want to."

"Fine, stupid question." Buffy conceded. "But we agreed." The Pit's sound system suddenly cut out, and everything hushed. "We absolutely cannot kiss until..." And she suddenly realized how loud her words sounded, and saw that the trio of Willow, Mac, and Oz had walked over to the table. Willow was the only one rendered mute in wide-eyed surprise. Mac and Oz were mute by default. "Heh." Buffy forced a laugh. "Been standing there long?"

"The 'humorous obstacle,' ladies and gentlemen." Veronica smirked, trying to shrink into a non-existent shell.


No one else had any time to pay attention to the possible lesbian activity about to occur at their table, because somebody by the bar was yelling at the bartender to turn the TV up. The news was on. As a group, they went to watch.

" breaking news at this hour." The announcer was saying, over footage of a burning fire. "Twenty minutes ago, a frantic phone call brought almost the entire fire department of Neptune, to the Neptune City Park, where an unknown party or parties, has as you can see, set the community pool ablaze. Little else is known right now, but one could speculate that this is just the latest incident in a rapidly escalating class war, sparked thirty-six hours ago by..."

Veronica and Buffy looked at each other, and didn't like the feeling in the pit of their stomachs. "Unknown Party." Right.
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