Nov 05, 2020 12:00
- Wed, 21:38: RT @ duty2warn: In fairness to Donald Trump, he's a malignant narcissist soon to lose his bully pulpit, his secrets and lies will soon be ex…
Oct 27, 2020 12:00
- Mon, 20:05: RT @ neiltyson: Two Day, 14-Question Anonymous Poll You know who I am. But to communicate with you better, I’d like to learn (statistically…
Oct 12, 2020 12:00
- Sun, 13:23: Hey @ NflRed maybe when @ AndrewSiciliano says full screen he means it and you should do it??? No? ok, thanks so much for commercials...
- Sun, 13:25: RT @ SirPatStew: Sonnet 154. The final one. Here's to everyone who has been so kindly watching and listening to these sonnets. We never expe…