Friends locked, but just a little bit

Jan 01, 2014 22:55

I love making new friends! I'm not a hardcore commenter, but I do read every entry! In return, I have no expectation of comments, but I do like them :) Friending policy: all are welcome and added, as long as I have a clue where you know me from. I defriend if you defriend me, or if you turn out to be racist or sexist or otherwise creepy!

friends locked

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Comments 7

(The comment has been removed)

vltavska December 23 2009, 01:46:46 UTC
Oh, added, definately!


bagelsvswaffles May 17 2010, 13:54:21 UTC
It's Thomas from BuffyForums. I created a new LJ account.


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vltavska July 5 2010, 09:31:59 UTC
Gladly :)


rakusanka September 23 2010, 07:54:16 UTC
I randomly found your via friend's LJ and your username got me here as I'm a huge Prague lover :) wanna be friends? My name is Kamila, I'm 26 and from Poland


vltavska September 23 2010, 12:38:42 UTC
Oh absolutely. Love to make a new friend from somewhere in Eastern Europe! Love Poland!


skylith July 17 2012, 06:26:48 UTC
Hi, it's Deborah from TFL. This is my new LJ (old one was xneedlesnpins), mind if I add you again? :)


vltavska July 17 2012, 06:53:50 UTC


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