Please Help

Sep 20, 2010 00:00

Still needed: 0 EUR
Русский English  Deutsch

You can see me (see also About myselfmy linkedin, my Picasa, my Facebook) and our children on the photo at the left (and loved wife is at another side of the objective).

The problem
There is our common problem at this picture - it's the recurrent skull base chordoma (First time I met this problem in 2008. On 16th of May I experienced double vision, and on 2nd of July Prof. Draf has removed the tumor as we believe completely in the Hannover INI. That time it cost to me about 30 000 euro including transferring and living costs and we managed to do this using family and close friends resources, plus the management of the company I worked for helped. See also The medical history).

The target
To get maximal chances to survive, without loss of essential functions (like vision, movement function, and the main "thinking" function which was feeding our family up to today) it's needed to start irradiation with heavy ion beams in a Heidelberg Ion-Beam Therapy Center (HIT) [Germany] no later than October.

Despite of the fact that head doctor of HIT, Prof. Jürgen Debus said that the irradiation costs is about 20 000 EUR, it appears that this cost is valid only for German residents who is paying medical insurance from every salary. But for private patient like me the treatment costs are about 50 000 EUR (it's the sum of a deposit I need to transfer to the clinic account in order to get the visa for my visits. The first one - is for a day to make some initial examinations and prepare the irradiation plan. And then in smth like 3 weeks later it should be started in HIT, as for an outpatient for me. It's going to be done in 20 fractions, in about 5 fractions a week).

See also " Why Germany".

So me and my family are asking for your help in order to gather the specified sum (thanks to our friends, colleagues, and family members who already helped to gather 10 000 EUR for transferring, living, consultation and other costs required for successful treatment).

The help can be wired

From any country

PayPal transfer

Donation Coordinator: my friend and trustee in USA - Sergiy Nikolayev (

SWIFT transfer directly to the clinic account

Sparkasse Heidelberg

it's required to specify Case Number 3934, patient name: Vladimir Levchuk.

According to the recent agreements with clinic, I'm asking you to get me informed for instance using facebook (skype, or e-mail) about intent to wire money directly to the clinic account. Their strongly asked me to manage it so that the final sum is exactly 50 000 EUR (also it's a little bit difficult to track the deposit sum - because of the clinic size [there are also several transfers between internal accounts] the accountant department knows the balance only in about a week after the money has been transferred to the specified account).

WM Transfer to:
WM U383134740233
WM R166190029022
WM Z129456730515

From Ukraine

From other countries

IMPORTANT The Ukrainian Law restricts bank transfers in foreign currency, the following things required in order to successfully complete them:
  • payment purpose should contain "for medical treatment" (sure, any other additional information may appear there, but this is a key phrase for fiscal organizations)
  • sender should be a private individual. Payments from organizations are rejected - it's better to make them to the Slavik Maznik account (account details are listed below) or directly to the clinic account.
I discovered this only an hour ago - my bank informed me that big enough transfer to my account was rejected because it came from an organization account.

SWIFT wire via intermediae (correspondent) bank
  • USA, USD
    • Intermediary Bank:
      • JP Morgan Chase Bank N.A., New York, USA
      • SWIFT: CHASUS33
    • Beneficiary Bank:
      • acc. 400940442
      • PJSC “ALFA-BANK”   Kyiv, Ukraine
    • Beneficiary:
      • Account Number: 26204202574301
      • Address: 61003, Kharkiv, Ukraine, Rozy Ljuksemburg Street 2, apt. #156
  • Germany, EUR
    • Intermediary Bank:
      • Commerzbank AG, Frankfurm am Main
    • Beneficiary Bank:
      • acc. 400886465400
      • PJSC “ALFA-BANK” Kyiv, Ukraine
    • Beneficiary:
      • Account Number: 26204202574301
      • Account Currency: EUR
      • Address: 61003, Kharkiv, Ukraine, Rozy Ljuksemburg Street 2, apt. #156
  • Germany, EUR (here is the account details of my authorized representative and old friend. Please, specify your name in the payment details if you're agree to publish your name in the thanks list on this page):

Contact information: Skype: vlevchuk e-mail:

here comes the list of that (people and organizations), who helped (financially, informationally, morally or physically) and who agreed to publish here (or his) name here. Excuse me in advance all the family members are missed from this list - believe, we understand that this help is a deal of whole family, and we appreciate your help no less than the help of your relative  who is listed here.

Абрамчук Елена, Агапова Ирина, Александрова Виктория, Аникин Максим, Victoria Baramidze, Белоброва Анна, Богданов Виктор, Бойко Борис, Бойко Вячеслав, Болсуновский Павел, Бородина Лариса, Буренко Владислав, Ващенко Юрий, Ведь Максим, Вовченко Антон, Вороной Максим, Вышегородских Марина, Гайдашук Галина, Гайдук Алексей, Garbuzov Andriy, Гервазюк Виталий, Горенко Олег, Michael Gladden, Голонзовский Александр, Гришаев Алексей, Грищенко Тарас, Давыдов Денис, Дайбов Юрий, Демидов Всеволод, Дехтярь Андрей, Дмитриева Наталья, Донской Сергей, Железнова Наталья, Жижирий Ирина, Жильцов Денис,  Збукарь Виталий, Золочевский Олег, Золочевский Валентин, Игошев Николай, Ирина Забиран, Kaastrup-Olsen Simon, Кайнара Игорь, Калоша Евгений, Кантор Иннокентий, Каранда Тимур, Карвешкин Роман, Karnatsevych Stanislav, Vasyl Keretsman, Клочко Юлия, Колупаев Алексей, Кравчук Юлия, Кудряшов Андрей, Кукоба Наталья, Купин Олег, Курко Евгений, Кухаренко Максим, Лаптева Оксана, Ларкин Алексей, Лахнова Евгения, Локшин Анатлоий, Люлька Владимир, Мазник Вячеслав, Марченко Валентин, Медовой Александр, Мень Римма, Михайленко Ольга, Мушкин Максим, Никитин Андрей, Sergiy Nikolayev, Обухов Борис, Орлов Александр, Онищенко Алексей, Онищенко Андрей, Онищенко Валентина, Павлюс Леся, Панин Алексей, Перепадя Василий, Петров Денис, Петрова Елена, Пихуля Сергей, Подзубанов Виктор, Поляченко Ярослав, Потапов Сергей, Потапова Наталья, Придатко Дмитрий, Elena Repnikova, Роменская Елена, Савин Александр, Санин Андрей, Сидоров Станислав, Симчук Руслана, Слабоспицкий Артем, Смелик Ольга, Смоленко Анна, Соколов Алексей, Спесивая Мария, Спесивый Дмитрий, Степченко Евгений, Стяглик Евгения, Тахирова Эмилия, Темненко Роман, Трубин Андрей, Тулузова Екатерина, Тюхнин Юрий, Устименков Евгений, Фарбер Дмитрий, Федорец Владимир, Федотова Ольга, Флоров Дмитрий, Чайка Александр, Чеботарёва Вика, Черновол Анна, Черняковская Галина, Чуднер Александра, Чуйков Денис, Шаповалов Валерий, Sergiy Shyrkov, Штайман Александр, Anna Schüler, Юров Сергей, Яковлева Екатерина, Яцук Дмитрий

All of you who wanted to stay anonymous,

And to your family members!
 Ciklum company employees
GlobalLogic company employees
Intetics company employees and management company
QAClub club

We appreciate you all - please be healthy and happy!

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