Title: Something Like Love
Genre: Primarily friendship, with a bit of romance. Angsty and fluffy at some points.
Rating: PG-13, or T.
Pairing/Characters: Sasuke/Sakura.
Warnings: None, really.
Word Count: 898.
Summary: Sasuke visits Sakura's apartment, and they almost avoid the issue.
She’s been there for as long as he can remember, the pale pink head of hair bobbing through the crowd - at festivals, at the Academy. She’s never been gone, Sasuke thinks. Even at Sound she haunted his dreams. )
Comments 3
I like the "blossoming" metaphor at the end, but I always do with Sakura.
Your writing is fairly good. The only tiny criticism I would make is that you need a few more commas in a few places. If you have trouble, I suggest you read aloud. It makes it easier to tell when a sentence needs a pause (a comma) so that you can breathe a bit easier.
Adding you!
I do tend to be stingy with my commas at times...thank you for pointing it out, though. I've added more ^^
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