Monday morning found room 413 blessedly free of livestock. In fact, all it contained in the way of living creatures were two peacefully sleeping students.
Until the Firecat appeared out of nowhere and landed on Karal's bed. Altra might appear small when he wished, but in reality he was as large as a mastiff, and that makes for a rather rude awakening. :Karal. Wake up!: Mental shouting didn't soften it any.
Karal sat up, glancing across the room to be sure Aravis had not awoken. "Where have you been?" he whispered. "Trenor has returned to himself, but you never came back."
:He changed back? Good. But there's more important things than your horse. You need to get back to Valdemar. Now. They've convened a meeting of the Grand Council, and Karal,: Altra's tail lashed, and he dug several centimetres of gleaming claw into the bed, :your absence has been noticed. It's not good.:
"But the time--" The time difference is supposed to prevent that. He closed his eyes, feeling his head start to throb. "Very well. Let me get dressed." For once disregarding the fact that he had a female roommate, he quickly changed into his most formal robes, donned his Vkandis medal, and penned a note
in precise and impeccably neat handwriting.
Aravis -
Please forgive me the imposition, but I have been called home at no notice. Could I ask, would you care for Trenor for me? There is grain and hay in the bins, and his gear - brushes and hoof pick and the like - is in the tack room. I am not certain how long I will be gone; I pray no more than a few days. Should it stretch longer, I will find a way to get word to you.
I thank you for your kindness, should you be able.
He placed it on the table near Aravis' bed. "All right. Altra? You will bring me back? In good time? I do not want to be gone for months."
:I'll do my best.: Altra moved to stand at Karal's feet and the two disappeared as Altra jumped them back to Valdemar.
[OOC1: Sleeping Aravis modded with total permission. OOC2: I am basically AFK for the next three days giving training Boooo, so Karal will be away for that time. OOC3: Method of travel NFB please.]