🎁 vixx gifts 2016: the comeback - week 2 fic round-up post 🎁

Dec 19, 2016 20:12

What's that ya hear? Sleigh bells ringing? Reindeer Leo and Hyuk stomping across the rooftops? Santa N shimmying down the chimney with faithful elves members Ken and Hongbin shouting after him? Or is it Ravi rapping his way through Christmas carols? Never mind, it must've been the caffeine, but hey WEEK 2 OF FICS ARE HERE /shakes gift boxes/. We have eight new fics for you this week!

(Missed last week's round-up? Click here~)

Day 7: For filthygorgeous

To Boldly Go
Rating: Teen and Up
Wordcount: 4.2k
Summary: Wonshik kisses an alien. You know, for science.
Pairing: Ravi/Ken

[We have a Star Trek au for this round! Features cute fluffy creatures, the rest of 5VIXX with their secret unpronounceable names, and Ravi and Ken lip-touching for scientific reasons.]

Day 8: For Silverdancer

beautiful target (this time is over)
Rating: Teen and Up
Wordcount: 31.1k (!!!!!)
Summary: "You don't mind, do you?" Hakyeon asked, after he'd already sat down next to the heir to the Azure Seat and the man who he'd been sent to kill.
Taekwoon did mind. A lot. But Hakyeon was nothing if not persistent, especially when it was his job; and if his job involved getting close to the target, then so be it.
Pairing: N/Leo

[We have another NEO fic! And this one it's steampunk and fantasy and carriages and politicking, oh my! And hey, there's a cat too! Can I just point out this is over 30k of NEO steampunk goodness??? It's the longest fic in the history of the exchange wooo.]

Day 9: For faunalyn

Rating: Teen and Up
Wordcount: 1.1k
Summary: Hongbin's heart had a particular way to beat when Taekwoon was near him.
Pairing: Leo/Hongbin

[The Leobin fics are coming on strong this year. We have a fantasy-flavored Leobin one this time, fairy royalty Hongbin and his knight Taekwoon and their relationship at court.]

Day 10: For alunsina (meeeeeee)

that river in Egypt (it’s called denial)
Rating: General
Wordcount: 3.3k
Summary: That fic where Sanghyuk struggles with feelings. Aka five times where Sanghyuk denies his feelings for Hakyeon and one time he doesn’t.
Pairing: N/Hyuk

[CANON. more canon! I am not terribly biased--maybe a bit, because hey--but this is a sweet, sweet Nhyuk and follows Hyuk trying to battle and make sense of his feelings towards the leader. Go read.]

Day 11: For slashedsilver

A Cat and Mouse Game
Rating: Not Rated
Wordcount: 4.2k
Summary: Hakyeon and Taekwoon have taken to flirting over free coffee at a cat cafe. Hongbin and Wonshik are tired of being the providers of both free coffee and cat snuggles - so they decide to gently coerce them to go on a real date.
After all, what's a bit of emotional manipulation among friends?
Pairing: N/Leo

[A sweet, cute, and Very Cat-Filled--is this a recurring pattern?--Neo getting-together story with their friends trying to set them up. Has YouTuber Hakyeon! Cat-walking!]

Day 12: For dangerkittyn

the neverending story
Rating: Not Rated
Wordcount: 2k
Summary: None
Pairing: Leo/Hongbin

[An au with a dystopian and war feel, both not-exactly-humans Leo and Hongbin love story in a world that's against them.]

Day 13: For wykedpanda

the rest is still unwritten
Rating: Not Rated
Wordcount: 9.6k
Summary: Jung Taekwoon didn't believe arranged marriages were even possible in current society, but when he's dragged into one thanks to his deceased grandfather, he wants nothing to do with it. Especially when his to-be wife is a childhood friend whom he's known his whole life.
Pairing: Leo/Irene (Red Velvet)

[We have this wonderful het pairing again! And oh my gosh, arranged marriage, and such a slow and sweet progression as Leo and Irene warm up to each other and become closer. Super. Adorable.]

Day 14: For pikasoos

in a city light
Rating: General
Wordcount: 6.2k
Summary: "What part are you playing, Jung Taekwoon?" Hakyeon asks. His eyes are a little too clear, and Taekwoon brushes his thumb against Hakyeon's lips, and it is answer enough.
Pairing: N/Leo

[NEO ACTOR AU. N and Leo's lives and the parts they play on-cam and off-cam.]

That's all we have for you this week! Stay tuned for the other fic presents we'll be unwrapping up until Christmas!
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