🎁 VIXX Gifts: Secret Santa 2015 - Week 3 Fic Roundup Post 🎁

Jan 02, 2016 15:40

Ushering in the New Year with more...Christmas fics because why not. Last week of posting for VIXX Secret Santa and SIX more shiny shiny fics to unwrap and read! So don't put away your fluffy blankets yet, get back in bed, we still have the weekend to party like it's 2012 2015 2016.

(Want to catch up with previous roundup posts? Here's week 1 & week 2)

Day 13: For oneforyourfire
Rating: E (Explicit!!)
Word count: 10.4k
Summary: Hakyeon has known since the day that they met that Taekwoon has wanted three children. Now they were very in love, married, and Hakyeon wonders maybe they should start a family after all.
Pairing: N/Leo

[Domesticity! BABIES. Also, NEO smut /clears throat/ if that's very very relevant to your fic-reading interests - alesserrain]

Day 14: For superlyns
Soundly Connected
Rating: G
Word count: 1.7k
Summary: Taekwoon wasn't expecting a phone call, but Hakyeon keeps him on the line anyways.
Pairing: N/Leo

[NEO long distance relationship. A quiet fic but unexpectedly sweet and honest. Best enjoyed with fluffy blanket and hot chocolate, or maybe that's just me, because I want to cuddle this fic - alesserrain]

Day 15: For silentlybelieve
Baby, We Found Love (Right Where We Are)
Rating: G
Word count: 7.2k
Summary: In the span of thirty years, Jung Taekwoon has grown-up from a little boy to a man. He has changed, but one thing in his life never did - his fascination for Bae Joohyun.
Pairing: Leo/Irene (Red Velvet)

[Continuing the tradition of het and crossovers in this week--a slow and fluffy childhood friends-to-lovers with a loyal Taekwoon and adorable interactions with Joohyun.]

Day 16: For The_Resolver
there are much worse games to play
Rating: T
Word count: 6.1k
Summary: In typical rom-com fashion, Taekwoon's entire life changes the moment Cha Hakyeon walks in the locker room that one morning in March.
Pairing: N/Leo

[SPORTS AU. Specifically, College Hockey AU. A refreshing update to the Neo pairing. Featuring: drunken shenanigans, a bear sticker, hockey feels.]

Day 17: For wykedpanda
아프니까 청춘이다
Rating: G
Word count: 1.6k
Summary: "What would you say," she asks, finally, looking across the table at Jaehwan who’s sawing delicately at his steak, "If I dyed my hair green?"
Pairing: Ken/Hani (EXID)

[Moar childhood-friends-growing-up sweetness! (Is this a running theme?) Hani being an adorable, pining, collection of nerves around Jaehwan, a fic with lush beautiful writing and err food porn- again this is just me.]

Still Day 17: For wykedpanda (because she is awesome and wrote two fics for the exchange!)
The Best Christmas Party in the World
Rating: G
Word count: 3.1k
Summary: "You know what would be nice? A Christmas party, a small one, just with the members," Hakyeon says.
Pairing: OT6

[Additional gift fic for wykedpanda for pinch-hitting! A step-by-step guide of Hakyeon organizing a VIXX Christmas Party with err unexpected results. Features 2015's Pantone color of the year, Wonshik's credit card, drunken shenanigans (again), and cuddling with a sea monster.]

AND THAT'S ALL OF THE FICS FOLKS! All 18 of them! Reveals will be in the next three days. If you've read and liked any of these crafted fics do tell the anon authors in comments (or with kudos!) and share the Christmas and New Year's joy and complete the circle of life.

Also, please do check out the Guessing Game Post (!!!) and fight the good fight with yours truly because someone's spreading untruth about alpaca authors in this exchange. We don't bite! But alpacas do, apparently.

For anyone following these roundup posts and to slashedsilver, thanks for having me ramble, it's been a pleasure /bows.

pairing: leo/n, rating: nc-17, rating: g, member: ken, rating: pg-13, member: leo

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