All dolled up in glad rags...

Dec 13, 2012 14:42

 So when last I left you, I was annoyed about the coming of December.  It actually turned out pretty well!

a) I have a new nephew!!!! His name is Vaughn, and he is super cute.  I will get to meet him next Wednesday.

b) I didn't have to go to St. Louis.

c) I only have one more workday left in the year, so nothing really looks that bad to me right now.

I ( Read more... )

work non-woes, craft-y goodness, work woes, adventures in home-owning, i heart my family, the state of me, 1d:life-ruiners

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Comments 5

mrsquizzical December 14 2012, 09:18:25 UTC
glad things turned out better than expected. xo


vixalicious December 14 2012, 15:44:48 UTC
Thanks hon! ♥


shrinetolust December 14 2012, 16:10:23 UTC
If you're going to refinance, make sure it's not going to take you five years to repay the closing costs. Sometimes that lower monthly payment seems attractive, but it's not actually helping you.

Glad the fence incident turned out okay! When we first moved in, we actually stirred up the neighborhood a bit by putting a fence *up*. They liked the "park" atmosphere. We did not like everyone's kids running through our yard and knocking down hundreds of dollars worth of new landscaping...heh. Now as the years have passed, more people are putting fences up.

And here I am thinking of buying a whole new desktop computer set-up. I am so 2000...hah.



vixalicious December 16 2012, 04:59:46 UTC
Yeah, I'll definitely check out the fine print. And I've thought about buying a desktop myself, as my personal laptop is giving up the ghost, but I don't know. It's been so long since I've been tethered to a desk, I don't know what it'd be like.


shrinetolust December 17 2012, 03:48:38 UTC
I love the desktop, but I guess the ideal is having both. I do all of my work on the computer so I like having a dedicated space with the desktop model and a real keyboard and mouse. I actually am thinking of having two monitors on the new one, to make tweeting while watching videos, and writing while doing research, so much easier. This is starting to sound more like a command center than a computer system...hah.


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