In which I turn 36

Aug 26, 2011 23:51

Today was my birthday, and I had a fabulous day.

Now I am about to tell you what I did, and there will be parts of it where you scratch your head and go, "She did that on her birthday and is happy about it??" That's okay. I have come to terms with the fact that I am indeed a special snowflake. It's fine ( Read more... )

my black thumb, laser hair removal, it's not a tweet, thinky stuff, retail therapy, medical, the state of me

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Comments 6

franzi1981 August 27 2011, 06:21:32 UTC
Happy Birthday!!!


vixalicious August 27 2011, 06:30:43 UTC
Thank you! :)


mrsquizzical August 27 2011, 06:42:57 UTC
i'm not a virgo but i am an introvert and frankly that sounds wonderful. (except for the bit with the needles and the potential exercise. but the ~spirit of it. definitely yes.)


mrsquizzical August 27 2011, 06:43:20 UTC
oh! and happy birthday!


vixalicious August 27 2011, 06:50:04 UTC
Thank you! :) Yes, part of it is the introvert personality for sure! I also just don't deal well with last minute changes to a plan. AT ALL.

It was really lovely. And now I'm going to bed and sleeping til I don't feel like sleeping any more. It's going to be awesome!


(The comment has been removed)

vixalicious August 29 2011, 03:02:13 UTC
Thank you! I had fun :)


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