Weekend Update

Aug 09, 2011 00:51

I meant to come on earlier and update, but oh, how the evenings just slip away ( Read more... )

love:love, craft-y goodness, it's not a tweet, bandom (that's right i said it - bandom), retail therapy

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Comments 6

dalehead August 9 2011, 12:56:40 UTC
How can you not like ham whilst simultaneously eating grits? *shudders*



vixalicious August 9 2011, 15:11:11 UTC
Because grits are awesome and amazing! :)


typhoo August 9 2011, 21:43:28 UTC
Hmm that mousse sounds interesting. We love avocados so much that I never considered them in a dessert. Here goes Google. lol.


vixalicious August 9 2011, 21:58:26 UTC
He showed us how to make it but a) I'd had two glasses of wine and b) I knew I'd never actually cook it, so I didn't pay that much attention.


typhoo August 9 2011, 21:44:07 UTC
Oh and how funny you mention eating a Vegan meal and Ham in the same post. lol.


vixalicious August 9 2011, 21:57:22 UTC
Yeah, I will never actually be vegan. Or vegetarian. It's just not for me. But it's fun to have something different every once in a while!


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