VividCon Vid Auction Now Open!

Apr 03, 2006 00:35

(Please forward wherever appropriate!)

You guessed it--the annual VividCon vid auction is now open! You do *not* need to be a member of the con to participate.

The auction form:

If you haven't heard about this before: we're auctioning off the opportunity to have a vid made-to-order by one of our fabulous volunteers -- please see the website and the previous announcements for all the details. The proceeds of the auction go entirely to help fund VividCon -- it's a fun way to help the con, and to provide a neat way for some folks who may not vid themselves to get to participate in the making of a vid, or to hijack a willing vidder into their own fandom for a bit.

The auction will run until 11:59pm US Eastern time on Monday, April 10th. (The current server time is displayed at the website, so you can compare to your own timezone and computer clock.)

Have fun! Bid early and often!

admin, auction, vvc 2006: auction, vvc 2006

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