Vividcon Registration

Feb 18, 2012 20:40

Hi guys,

Are you ready for some football? Er, Vividcon registration?

Registration opens TONIGHT at 12 midnight Eastern Standard Time - a little over three hours from now. With thanks to Margie, who I am shamelessly plagiarizing, a quick review of the information you'll want to have ready, in the order it appears on the form:

- Your badge name

- Your LJ/DW/IJ/whatever online platform name, if you have one and you want it included on your badge. At the moment the default assumption for this is LJ, so if you're pointing to some other platform, you might want to make that clear.

- Full (real) Name

- Email address (PLEASE TRIPLE-CHECK THIS. If you mistype your address, we have no way to get in touch with you.)

- Mailing address (this is broken up into US/Canada-standard fields; if you're from outside those countries, please just do what you can, with the con's apologies for the inconvenience!)

- Phone number

After that section comes the list of optional things you can request or offer from drop-down boxes:

- you can choose not to be listed in the program book. The default is to be included; you have to specifically ask not to be included to be left out.

- you can choose to be listed in the program book as having "vids available". This means that either at the con or afterward, people can contact you to get a DVD (or CD or tape) of your vids. Your name will be set off in the program book (usually color-coded) to indicate that people can contact you for vids.

- you can choose to purchase a ticket for a pizza lunch on Saturday. Tickets are only available in advance - you can't get one at the con. This is not required; some people prefer to fend for themselves, others like the convenience of knowing that they won't have to go out for food on Saturday. Your choice. :)

- you can choose to purchase a spot on the "orphan vids" table for a flat fee. This lets you put a small pile of your vid DVD out on a table in the con suite, and the con suite volunteers will collect the money as people buy them. At the end of the con, you can collect your cash along with any unsold DVDs.

- you can choose to purchase up to 3 extra con DVD sets, in addition to the set that you get with your membership.

- you can choose to volunteer an hour or two of your time to help with the con. Please don't feel shy about this - it can be a good way to meet people if you're new.

After that, pick how you want to pay (Paypal or check), leave a comment if you want, and hit "register". Then wait to be confirmed.

Any problems, e-mail llama (dot) reg (at) gmail (dot) com.

Also, go suggest a vidshow or a panel! You know, while you wait for midnight.

vvc 2012, admin, registration

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