Aspects of Aspect Ratio

Aug 15, 2011 15:04

Thanks to all of you who attended the aspect ratio panel! I apologize for not having enough time to really dig into individual questions and general discussion; I should have requested a two-hour panel slot! (Lesson learned.) All the same, I want to thank my excellent Mac-errific co-moderator lolachrome, who I hear was fantastic with the Mac tech. Yay! Special thanks to absolutedestiny for helping me plan the panel, fixing my mistakes, and being there for general support. ♥

I have uploaded the 60-slide user guide for anyone who wants to download it. It has a lot of helpful math, screenshots, very long explanations, and some very biased advice from yours truly. (Your mileage may vary.) It is full of general information for both PC and Mac users (though, PAL folks, I apologetically advise that all the numbers are based on NTSC.) There is a separate Mac presentation made by Lola that contains many program specifics and is incredible! Finally, I have also uploaded the handout from the panel, which is simply a summary of the main points from the presentation.

- general resource Powerpoint: [click here] NOTE: File has been updated!
- Mac Powerpoint: [click here] NOTE: File has been updated!
- summary handout: [click here]

Please feel free to take these resources and expand on them! Add/change things as you need! Share information! Enjoy!
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