On behalf of VividCon's concom, I want to express our deeply-felt apologies for the ill-considered language choices in our recently posted
VividCon Background and Policies statement. If our words offended you or made you feel unwelcome at VividCon, we are truly and humbly sorry. That was not what we wanted to convey with this document. To clarify our commitment to accessibility, we will be conducting a careful and considered review of the VividCon Background and Policies statement in light of the concerns that have been raised, and we'll be revising it as appropriate.
elynross indicated in her initial
announcement, VividCon welcomes comments and feedback on the VividCon Background and Policies statement. We would like to express our gratitude to those who have taken the time to make a comment or write to us about their concerns. We are aware of a small number of conversations happening in non-
vividcon public posts, but if there is a publicly viewable conversation happening in your journal or blog or elsewhere that you think we ought to be aware of as we undertake this policy review, we would appreciate you dropping a link to it in comments here or emailing it to access@vividcon.com, please. We take the issues that have been raised very seriously, and we want to know what's being discussed so we can use that information to improve the VividCon Background and Policies statement.
VividCon strives to be as welcoming and accommodating as possible to all of our members. As always, we will work with each attendee to address their individual concerns regarding access at the con. If you are attending VividCon and you have questions or concerns about accessibility at the con, please contact us at access@vividcon.com. Thank you.