Man, I just wanted to make people happy. Summaries are the blurbs I used in the show. I'm going to talk a little about why I made the choices I made, too, because I think that'll be fun.
Vidders, please do check to see if I have a link to your vid up! I'll happily add any that you give me.
Vid Title: Adiemus
Artist: Adiemus (Karl Jenkins)
Fandom: Farscape
birgitmSummary: Because the beauties of the Uncharted Territories are joy.
(link to vid)
I was trying to figure out one day why I have such an emotional response to this vid, when I thought of it as being primarily about the pretty. And then I realized that while it is, indeed, very pretty, what I get from it is a sense of all of the good things John got from getting sucked down a wormhole, all of the wonders he's seen, and the joy--sometimes big, sometimes small and quiet--given by those experiences. Hey, look at that, a title!
Vid Title: Angel with an Attitude
Artist: The Ditty Bops
Fandom: Pushing Daisies
charmaxSummary: Because Chuck's no angel, but getting a second chance at life is joy.
Angel with an Attitude I believe this one was suggested by
vonnie-k, VVC Roomie Extraordinaire, and it's in the show at least partly in her honor. Plus, bounciest vid about the walking dead ever, a new vid to Vividcon, and a vid that focuses on a female character. I have vaguely mixed feelings about Chuck on the show, and I particularly like that this vid gets at her fun parts without making her cloyingly cute.
Vid Title: Another Sunday (We Built This City)
Artist: Starship
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
jescaflowneSummary: Because Rono's hiding sparkles in his hair, and over-the-top special effects are joy.
Another Sunday (We Built This City) I'm pretty sure everyone who saw this vid in Premieres last year knows why it had to be in this show. Sparkles! More sparkles! Wacky dancing! Slo-mo! And just when you think it's gone as over-the-top as it can, it finds a more over-the-top place to go.
Vid Title: Istanbul (Not Constantinople)
Artist: They Might Be Giants
Fandom: due South
alasenSummary: Because BOTH Rays are joy.
Istanbul (Not Constantinople) An adorable look at the parallels to be drawn between RayV and RayK (the bit with Diefenbaker cracks me up) and the first vid I ever downloaded, lo these many years ago when I was still on dial-up. So, you know, I have a special fondness.
Vid Title: I Enjoy Being a Girl
Artist: Sandra Allen
Fandom: Multi
absolutedestinySummary: Because a little untraditional femininity is joy.
I Enjoy Being a Girl You know how sometimes characters who kick ass like to mope about it? You know, woe is me, I am so ass-kicky, I just want to be a Normal Girl? Well, not in this vid they don't. I particularly like that Veronica was included, because she's not ass-kicky in the superpowered, I-can-kill-you-with-a-fork way; she's just awesome.
Vid Title: Big Red Boat
Artist: Grey Eye Glances
Fandom: Joan of Arcadia
flummerySummary: Because working to build your best self is joy.
Big Red Boat The most-requested vid in the show. I love Joan; she's profoundly brave in ways that have very little to do with physical courage and everything to do with emotional courage, and watching her grow toward the remarkable woman she's going to be is wonderful.
Vid Title: Teal'c P.I. (Theme from Night Court)
Artist: Jack Elliott
Fandom: Stargate SG-1
nibikkoSummary: Because undercover Teal'c is, indeed, joy.
Teal'c P.I. (Theme from Night Court) I'd never seen this one before it was suggested to me for this show, but as soon as I saw it I knew I had to have it. A funny Teal'c vid, yay! Plus I, like many other fans I know, would TOTALLY WATCH Teal'c P.I.
Vid Title: Uncommercial Song
Artist: Oysterband
Fandom: Multi
halcyon_shiftSummary: Because seeing our dearly departed shows again is joy. (Dammit.)
Uncommercial Song You know how you've totally got a thing for someone, and it doesn't work out, and then you see them again and part of you is all grumpy and another part is just really happy just to see them again? Or, uh, is that just me? Anyway, yeah, like that. It's just good to see these shows again, you know? Plus, I'm very fond of the ferocity at the end, because we're gonna love what we love, come hell, high water, or FOX.
Vid Title: God Is a DJ
Artist: Pink
Fandom: Battlestar Galactica (2003)
dualbunnySummary: Because Starbuck at her most fiercely alive is joy.
God Is a DJ I saw this vid for the first time when it premiered during Club Vivid at Vividcon 2006. It made me want to flail my hands with glee and say "aww, it's my GIRL!" (Given that it was Club Vivid, it's entirely possible that I actually did so.) And then I remembered that my feelings about Starbuck are really mostly just kind of vaguely positive, so I stopped, but every time I watch this vid I get that feeling back again.
Vid Title: Vindicated
Artist: Dashboard Confessional
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel
etotheySummary: Because coming to terms with your inner demon is joy.
Vindicated I promised myself that this show would include no vids that could inspire argument. But I also promised myself that I would give myself a vid or two that was just for me, and so I put this one in despite the fact that I'm sure there were people in the audience muttering "fuck you, Angel" at the screen. I just... first of all, it hits me in my soft B/A place, where I'm all "but she inspires him and then he becomes a hero!" (Shut up, the vid ends in Angel S1.) So it just makes me very happy right there, plus I like that it hits me in that place without turning Angel into an, ahem, Angel; he gets to be a guy with weaknesses.
Vid Title: Drive My Car
Artist: The Donnas
Fandom: Heroes
andrastewhiteSummary: Because Hiro and Ando's Great American Roadtrip is joy..
Baby, You Can Drive My Car I knew if I was doing a vidshow about joy, I needed Hiro in it. Happy Hiro. Adorable Hiro. No Hiro angst that lasts more than two seconds! And damn if this vid doesn't fit the bill.
Vid Title: Elevation
Artist: U2
Fandom: Queer as Folk (US)
f1renze and
kitkatbyteSummary: Because good sex is joy.
Elevation La la la I'm sure the actor is of age LA LA LA. Ahem. Anyhoo. This vid is in the show because good sex is awesome, and yet it is hard to make vids about good sex, because most of the source you're working with is going to jump straight from kissing to post-coital glow, show sex in soft focus with tinkly music, or be all about "OMG we're so passionate" in a way that skips over the fun. Queer as Folk appears to get past this problem by airing all sorts of sex, which I approve of.
Vid Title: Don't Give Up
Artist: Noisettes
Fandom: Doctor Who (2005)
millyliciousSummary: Because Martha Jones saving the world is joy.
Don't Give Up Dear Martha Jones: You are fantastic, and don't you forget it. Also, you know the Doctor's whole emo bit that you weren't actually there for, about oh no, I turn all my companions into soldiers? You have turned yourself into exactly what you're supposed to be, which is a woman who can save the whole damn world. Enjoy your hottie fiancé, my dear.
Vid Title: Into the Mystic
Artist: The Wallflowers
Fandom: Firefly
kari2001Summary: Because going a-voyaging through the universe is joy.
Into the Mystic (note: Link appears to be outdated)
God knows there's darkness in Firefly, but what I loved about it was its sense of fun, and I think this vid does a good job of capturing that. It's easygoing and lovely and all about the voyage, and
cofax7 loves it, so.
Vid Title: Man in Motion (St. Elmo's Fire (Man in Motion))
Artist: John Parr
Fandom: The Matrix Trilogy
renenetSummary: Because long black coats are joy.
Man in Motion There were a few vids that I knew from the very beginning I wanted in the show, and this was one of them, both because it itself captures the sense of fannish glee that I was looking for and because it's one of those vids that often gets a happy murmury sound in the audience right before it starts. Plus, he's a man! And he's in motion, people.
Vid Title: I Love Fandom (It's Hard for Me to Say I'm Sorry)
Artist: Chicago
Fandom: Fandom
barkleySummary: Because fandom is joy. (Sometimes.)
I Love Fandom And this, my friends, is as meta as I wanted to get. Sometimes, fandom is sadmaking! When fandom is sadmaking, you should do things like read and listen to music and drink alcohol and maybe even go outside. (Please do not do all of these things in Barkley's house, because I think she would find that creepy.) Then once you're refreshed, you can come back and love fandom again. Yay, vertical pink line of loooooooove!