To whom it may concern...

Aug 20, 2008 12:29

Download link for "White America" - VVC Fuck You Challenge 2008: Click for the Sendspace link (updated 8/16/10).

Sorry about the subject heading, couldn't resist. ;) I've seen a few people here and there wondering if this vid would be uploaded anywhere since the vidder chose to stay anonymous. Sure, why not.

I'll also toss in a few comments on the whole thing while I'm here, though probably not the explanation anyone was looking for. In fact, I may manage to invalidate the whole damn thing (even further), who knows!

I wouldn't have ever released this vid (and probably not made it all) if not for the Challenge theme this year. Which meant I ended up screwing myself over for time to work on it. Probably not the best choice when you throw in the lack of a beta.

I will happily admit that this vid could use further refining. And none of the reactions I've seen to it regarding how successful it was as a vid were things I wasn't expecting. In fact, I was quite surprised that people discussed it as much as they did. I'm also surprised about which aspect of the vid seems to have gone unnoticed. Ok, not that surprised, considering the first third of the vid and the song. And how pretty the sources are. (I get distracted easily--next time I'll plan my spur of the moment ideas better.)

I submitted it anyway because fuck it, why not. By staying anonymous I have placed no burden on anyone to try and find something they like (or feel strongly about in any way what-so-ever) in it, just because they like me. I think I over-reached in the vid, but if racial issues are the only thing that Eminem conjure up in your brain, then, well, then you listen to him differently than I do. ;) I love this song. I do apologize for not living up to it as well I had envisioned, but not for throwing the vid out there anyway.

I've also gotten to hear critical comments on the vid that you just don't get when people are trying to spare your feelings. But they are also part of why I have no plans to out myself. This vid is very much connected to views from the fandoms within it (for me at least), but having my vidding name wouldn't add to the impact or lack thereof in any way.

So thank you, VVC con-comm for providing a space where I could do this. The feedback I've been exposed to for this vid has been the most raw of anything I've ever made, and it's been absolutely fascinating. Possibly even moreso because the vid itself is not without flaws, and normally I would not have let it out the door looking like that--which I think it's safe to say would have meant making sacrifices to my own convoluted as hell message. If some of the anger, love, and ambivalence I have toward it's subjects and viewers makes it through, that's fantastic. Either way, I've come away from the whole experience with even more love for vidding and the passionate people with whom I share this particularly wonderful (and infinitely conflicted) fandom.
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