i'm there - Die x Toshiya | One-Shot

Apr 26, 2010 22:12

Just something simple for my dear fonulyn. Don't drag yourself down with unnecessary thinking darling. You're awesome ;)

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Comments 10

fonulyn April 26 2010, 20:35:28 UTC
You probably have no idea just how much this means to me and how ridiculously happy you just made me ;___; Seriously, I'm almost crying, and that in a good way. Really good way.

I love how Die is concerned about Toshiya, how he tries to be there for him and wants to support him and all. And I love how this gets deep while at the same time seems almost effortless, you know. It has hidden wisdom laced in the lines. And the ending, it's just priceless. Just perfect. I love them both there!

Thank you so much. So very very much ♥ *hugs*


vivid_decadence April 26 2010, 20:44:39 UTC
Naw, don't cry love. I'm happy I could cheer you up a little ^^

Die's trying to help in a very simple, but also very deep way. I belive it's the best way you can help somebody. Just by being there.

I'm glad you liked it ♥
*hugs you back*


sick_pride April 27 2010, 00:32:43 UTC
You know, somehow I knew you'd write something about it as I showed you that interview.

And how I liked it and how I loved every sentence here and how I blame fonulyn and you for liking these two that much. It's just fitting, Die who takes care of Toshiya. It's... fitting.

And he remembers Toshiyas face. Shocked. Disbelieving. Happiness, somewhere hidden behind that insecurity. He looked like a kid back then.

“I love you.”



And then this end. THIS end. Somehow you managed to finished this story quite... positive. Soothing for our nerves, hahaha. Nah, seriously now: such a great piece you have here.


vivid_decadence April 27 2010, 04:15:45 UTC
It bothers me, you know? That low self-esteem... maybe I'm secretly hoping he really finds someone to pull him out of there ^^°

I just can't have stories ending badly *laughs* Thank you, love <3


sick_pride April 27 2010, 00:36:20 UTC
Sometimes he picks at his tattoo, just a habit he got into. He’d been careful at first, afraid it could rub off, but that turned out to be nonsense. So ever since he adopted picking at it, when he was concerned or buried deep in thoughts.

fuck yeah his tattoo

I just loved these lines since .. idk... I really like to see someone putting little details in their stories. Yeah, guess that's it.


vivid_decadence April 27 2010, 04:16:54 UTC
Details are important. They make a story vibrant... and it's waaay too early for me... *tired*


arsinen April 27 2010, 03:48:55 UTC
This... gosh this was perfect... I...

I cried. I felt this a little too close to my heart.

but srly... Thank you for sharing this.


vivid_decadence April 27 2010, 04:18:34 UTC
Gosh, again, please don't cry ^^°
I was hoping to become a little more cheerful towards the end *laughs*

Thank you for commenting. It means a lot, srsly.


arsinen April 27 2010, 04:28:13 UTC
It's ok. I've felt the need to cry for a while so it felt good to finally let it go. So... Thank you.

And yes I am happy about the little cheerfulness at the end. :)


vivid_decadence April 27 2010, 05:07:57 UTC
Oh, well... in that case, you're welcome, I guess *laughs*


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