The Road Not Taken (Pt. 2)

Nov 13, 2009 07:09

The Road Not Taken (Pt. 2)

Disclaimer: Not mine. Please don't get angry that I like to play with silly ideas and borrowed characters. No profit being gained.

Summary: Dakin continues his schooling.

Over the next few days Dakin continued to learn General Studies with a concentration in Irwin's body. He learned how to give a blow job without choking or getting hair on the back of one's tonsils, he took a good deal of lessons regarding the sensitive spot on Irwin's neck, he repeatedly studied the sound of the other man coming; even learned to make him sing, in his way. And in return, Dakin received top marks, and lots of individual attention. He was, in fact, so taken with this new form of schooling that he didn't return home or wash his clothes for three days, which didn't particularly bother him as his uniform for this particular classroom was usually less than formal.

And so it came to be, on the third night of his stay at Irwin's flat, that when he rolled over and began insistently pushing Irwin's legs apart that the other man had to put a stop to it.

"I just can't, Dakin; we've been fucking for three days straight, and I am sore."

"Fine then," Dakin lay back on the pillows.

"Actually," said Irwin, "If you wanted to - "

"I've bottomed more than you have, you great ponce, don't even think about it."

Irwin sighed. "Ah."

Dakin drummed his fingers on the now ridiculously stained sheets. "So..."

Irwin snorted and rolled over to put on his glasses. "We haven't talked much over the past few days, have we?"

"Wouldn't say so, no," Dakin replied, rubbing his stomach, "I tell you what though, I'm bloody hungry. When was the last time we ate?"

Irwin rubbed his chin, "Err...yesterday dinner time?"

"Christ," Dakin scoffed, "You have kept me occupied. You've no idea what a bastard I can be when I'm hungry."

"Hmm," Irwin rolled over and kissed Dakin on the chest, "I'm not sure I'd like to find out. Is that your way of telling me you'd like something to eat?"

Dakin raised an eyebrow, "I didn't think I'd said it in any sort of secret code."

Irwin swatted him around the head, "Cheeky bugger," he moaned and heaved himself out of bed, "What would you like?" he asked.

Dakin shrugged, placing his hands behind his head, "Anything that's quick."

Irwin frowned, "Cheese sandwich all right?"

Dakin sat up, "Lovely! Need help?"

Irwin shook his head and ran (still naked) downstairs, returning with a large plate of sandwiches and a large bag of crisps. He plopped onto the bed and before Dakin could protest, roughly shoved a sandwich into the younger man's mouth.

"There," he said, "Eat up so that Germany doesn't get in a bad mood and start a world war."

"Vewy Fummy," Dakin muttered through his mouthful.

"Ooo-er," said Irwin, eating a crisp. He took a large bite of bread and cheese then paused, thoughtful. "Did you know almost all the Sheffield has gone from your accent?"

"Wha?" Dakin said, through a still full mouth.

"Your voice," Irwin said, "It's all..." he broke off and smiled vindictively, "Posh."

"Fuck off!" Dakin gasped, spraying Irwin with a good smattering of soggy cheese and crumbs. "I do not sound posh."

"Posher than me," Irwin continued, smiling at Dakin's absolute affront to the idea.

"Oh come off it," Dakin muttered, "You're all RP and such."

"I'm more Standard English actually," Irwin replied, "With just a touch of Estuary."

"Rubbish!" Dakin snapped, picking up another sandwich.

"I'd have thought you'd be happy," Irwin smirked a little. "You were always trying to sound more sophisticated than you really were back at Cutler's."

"No I wasn't," Dakin said, looking genuinely confused.

"But of course, you're right," Irwin conceded, then after a few moments went on to say, "Read anything by Neeshaw recently?"

Dakin dropped his sandwich and Irwin delightedly noticed that his ears had turned a pretty shade of pink.

"Prat," Dakin shot at him.

"Twat," Irwin shot back.

And suddenly Dakin was laughing, and he leaned towards Irwin for a kiss, who happily gave him what he was looking for. There was a moment of silence before Irwin finally voiced the unsaid phrase that had been hanging between them since all this had started.

"I'm going to miss you when you go back to school." Now it was his turn to blush, and he looked pointedly at the floorboards, concentrating on a large burn mark.

"Yeah," Dakin said, after a very long while. "I might a bit, too."

Irwin bit his lip, and looked at Dakin, wishing there were words that wouldn't scare the boy away.


Irwin pulled his car up outside Dakin's house, breaking a little suddenly and jolting both of them forwards.

"Your poor mum must be out of her mind by now," Irwin said to the windscreen.

"No, she's used to it," Dakin said, dejectedly, "I practically lived at Fiona's towards the end of school."

Irwin didn't even stiffen. He knew Fiona meant nothing, and this meant something, or had done, at the very least.

Dakin cleared his throat, "Do you want my number at uni?"

Irwin turned to him slowly, "You'd like me to have it?"

Dakin nodded, dumbly.

Irwin smiled, "Yes, please." He watched as Dakin scrabbled around for a pen and wrote his phone number on the back of Irwin's hand.

"There," he said, capping the pen and putting into Irwin's pocket for him. He gently placed his hand on Irwin's cheek. "I don't really want to leave you behind," he muttered, "Stupid, eh?"

Irwin kissed him, softly, then leaned over and whispered into his ear,

"your homecoming will be my homecoming-
my selves go with you,only i remain;
a shadow phantom effigy or seeming
(an almost someone always who’s noone),"

Dakin grinned. "That's really nice...what is that?"

Irwin shrugged. "Just a gobbit."

Dakin laughed and got out of the car, and Irwin watched him go, and thought that he might grow to love this man, and knew that if he did so, he was in for the roughest ride of his life.

And the best.

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