
Sep 21, 2008 09:15

I just want all of you to know that it is OKAY to be gay! Especially you teenagers out there with your burning youthful hearts! You see, if you truly desire and love someone, then nothing can stand in the way of your relationship!

If your feelings are any less than whole-hearted and honest, throw them away, but true love will conquer all obstacles! Gender and race and shady history of cultural genocide! ♥

By the way, Kurosaki-san, the Ishida-san's color scheme really clashes with your hair. But the cape looks a lot more dashing and less silly than I would have imagined.

we are as mayflies, second chance not deserved, and you can quote me, making kurosaki-san's life hell, mister nasty, he started it, wheres my jinta, few tools short of a toolshed, wheres my ururu, how i wonder what you're at, a superb lightning rod, sandalhat vs strawberry, yes he is completely serious, where's my tessai, laughs at your expense, wat

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