A Thousand Years

Dec 01, 2011 13:53

Title: A Thousand Years
Author: vivalavam2006
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Vam of course
Summary: Bam and Ville have been waiting for this day a very long time... 
Disclaimer: I do not own anyone in this fic. I am gaining no money, just the pleasure of writing.
Author's Notes: This is a kind of sequel to Kiss Me, if you haven’t read it you may like too :)

A Thousand Years

Dedicated to Paleblueunicorn
2015I felt sick. My mouth watered and my stomach felt delicate. My head pounded. It was not unlike a hangover but I’d been sober for the best part of eight years now. People were rushing around, milling about me like bees in a hive. I sat on a stool in the middle of all of this activity, feeling disorientated.
I wished Bam was with me. Just the touch of his hand would have calmed me, stopped the nausea and chased the headache away. But he’d wanted it this way. He’d wanted us to spend this morning alone. I ached to have him by my side. It felt alien to me now after having him with me almost constantly for five years to be without him.

I remembered once again what had bought me here and nervous butterflies exploded inside my stomach. I put my face in my hands and tried to calm my breathing. It would all be over by tonight. We’d be together again and this craziness that had taken over our lives for the past few months would disappear and we’d be us again.

The thought of Bam brought a smile to my lips and I let my hands fall away from my face. Planning this hadn’t been complete hell if I was truthful. There’d been some moments where I’d been more overwhelmed with love than ever before and there’d been moments that had been so funny I’d been sobbing with laughter.

A chuckle left my mouth as a memory of Bam surrounded by different coloured paper napkins and his mother explaining the benefits of having four different shades of purple at the tables entered my mind. He had almost killed her that night, until I’d taken him to our bedroom and reminded him it was his idea for us to do this.

Flowers, table arrangements and favours, seating plans. Rings, suits, colour schemes, food, entertainment. We’d been heavily involved throughout it all. Both of us. It had almost killed us at times. We wanted it simple. Bam had done the big flashy broadcast on MTV affair and didn’t want to go there again. And I just wanted him.

The night we’d reconciled he’d asked me to marry him, I’d said yes. It had been five years since that night. To the day.  Today we’d marry at last.  After fifteen years of knowing one another. After laughter, pranks, tears, addiction, unrequited love and finally not so blissful domesticity we’d marry. Show the world we were meant to be.

A nervous giggle left my mouth and Mige shot me an amused look. I stuck my tongue out at him, another laugh bubbling up in my throat. This feeling was rare for me. Excitement to the point of silliness coupled with a case of nerves that even stopped me from drinking my coffee. It was all down to Bam. All because of him and all for him.

I ran my hands through my hair and then remembered April had instructed some camp guy over the phone on how to carefully tousle it and pulled a face. I half expected the scary looking hairdresser to run screaming across the room towards me, comb and scissors poised. But he didn’t, he was too caught up in looking at Linde’s dreads and tutting.

Glancing around the room I saw everyone was caught up in their own business and made my escape. The air was a cool relief and I took in a deep lungful of it.  The stillness outside of the hotel I’d been placed in was beautiful. We were in Finland to get married and we’d live here most of the year. It thrilled me to be back in my homeland.

The hotel was surrounded by acres of gardens. I started down a gravel path and let my mind wander. What would Bam be doing now? Would dear April be running around screaming instructions for her son’s big day? Would he be missing me? My heart thumped painfully against my ribs. A few hours and he’d be in my arms again and I wouldn’t let him go again.

I strode along letting the tranquillity of the place calm me. It wasn’t quite winter and the leaves hung vibrant from the trees ready to spiral to earth at any moment.  A stream trickled somewhere nearby, soothing me with its music. It was almost heaven on earth.

I sat on a bench that lay nestled under a huge tree; the branches hung over the bench and provided a cosy and private place to sit. It was amazing to finally take a moment out and just breathe. I still had to get dressed, and my hair had to be re-tousled or whatever it was had been done to it. But for now, I just wanted this. Peace and quiet.

I snuggled down into the smooth wood breathing in the scent of the t-shirt I was wearing. It was Bam’s and he’d worn it all day yesterday. I missed him so badly. Every fibre of my being longed for him. I could not get him out of my mind, especially today.

I saw a familiar figure pass me by, wild hair whipping back and forth as the man searched the area none too clearly.
“Oi!” I called, bringing attention to myself. Mige stopped suddenly and peered at the tree I was hiding under before walking towards it tentatively. He ducked under the branches and sighed in relief.

“There you are Rakohammas!” He cried patting my shoulder.

“I needed some air, it was a bit mental in there” I admitted. We both sat, I crossed my legs and faced him. I could see that my closest friend’s normally cheery carefree exterior was frayed at the edges. I reached out and placed my hand on his leg. He looked up and smiled at me.

“What’s the matter?” I asked. Throughout all of this Migé had been my rock, the one I’d been able to rant at about flowers and rings and April. He shot me a wry smile.

“April’s arrived. She wanted to oversee the - and I quote- ‘preparation’ of you personally” Mige sighed in exasperation and I groaned.

“Oh god, why isn’t she with Bam?” I asked, running my hands once more through my now messy hair. Mige chuckled and placed his hand on top of my own.

“He’s in the capable hands of Jess...and Novak” I stared in horror at Mige’s face and he laughed harder. Oh god, my groom would come to our wedding in a fluorescent orange corset if Novak had his way.

“Rakohammas, it’s ok. Phil is there too, he’ll stop Novak from doing anything too drastic” Mige soothed. I breathed a sigh of relief, Phil I trusted.

“Ville...I...you aren’t having second thoughts are you?” Mige asked his voice hesitant and unusually quiet. A shocked laugh left my mouth. Second thoughts? Why on earth would I ever have been having second thoughts?

“W-what? No!” I enforced “No! I want this more than I’ve ever wanted anything. I love him. I want to be with him for the rest of my life” My whole body hurt at the thought of not being with him. I could not begin to imagine what my life would be like without him next to me.

“Ok kulta, ok. I was just worried when you were gone. It isn’t like you to just take off, and you know this is a big thing you’re doing. You and Bam haven’t really had the most successful of relationships have you?” I frowned at his words, sure we’d had problems. Fifteen years of problems but we got over them, together.

“Mige, I - me and Bam are right together. Everything else feels wrong, just the thought of ever loving someone else makes me feel sick. We’ve worked so hard to get to this point. We’ve overcome so much. And I love him. I love him. I loved him when he was with Missy and Jenn, I loved him when he was getting drunk every night and sleeping with whatever had a pulse and I love him now that he’s ok again, now that we’re both healthy and happy and looking forward to the rest of our lives together. I feel like I’ve waited for this for a thousand years” My breath rushed from my lungs as I tried to explain to my best friend the depth of my feelings for Bam.

“I waited for him for so long, and it killed me. I died every day I wasn’t with him.  And now, we’re together. We haven’t rushed into this, we’ve been a normal- well as normal as Bam can get- couple for five years now. Sure we’ve had rows and I made him sleep on the floor once or twice but there’s been no infidelity and no violence. Fuck Mige, he loves me so much he’s moving to Helsinki so we’re recognised as a married couple!” I pressed my hands to my eyes, how could anyone question what Bam and I had? Mige, no less.

“Whoa, whoa Ville, I’m sorry, I’m sorry. You’re my best friend, I just wanted to make sure you were sure, and boy did you prove it to me!”  I took my hands away and studied the man I’d known most of my life. He’d seen me broken by my love for Bam. He’d held me when I’d sobbed over my unrequited love. He’d seen me drink myself to the point of death trying to fill the emptiness Bam had left me with. Of course he’d be worried. I smiled tenderly at him and hugged him.

“Thank you” I whispered. He nodded, tears unshed in his eyes. With a clearing of his throat he stood up and offered me his hand.

“Come on, this is getting dangerously close to being sentimental, let’s go and find April so she can ‘prepare’ you or whatever she’s going to do” I pulled a face and took his hand letting him pull me back to my feet.

The walk back was slow and consisted of Mige ripping the piss out of the table arrangements that April had insisted on. Truth be told, I didn’t care about any of it. I didn’t care if I walked into the venue and the colour scheme was bright pink with lime green accents and Bam was wearing floral surf shorts and a rain coat just as long as he married me today.

Mige ushered me back into my room and I was met with the terrifying sight of April Margera wielding hair products and eyeliner. I walked forward to meet my fate.


An hour or two later I was bundled into a car with Mige and Linde. I had been preened and pampered to within an inch of my life. My hair was re-tousled and I’d been given my clothes and told that if I rumpled them I’d never see my wedding. My eyes were lined with kohl and my lips had a faint sheen to them. I sat gingerly back against my seat, trying not too ‘rumple’ my suit, my fear of April Margera well and truly restored.

She’d left a short while before us, no doubt to strike the fear of a pain and doom into her youngest son. We’d be travelling to the eighteenth century manor house we’d fallen in love with when looking for places to get married. The manor was surrounded my acres of luscious woodland. It was perfection.

As the car pulled up in front of the vast building a wave of nausea washed over me again. Was he waiting for me? Or had I been the one to arrive first? We’d decided to forgo the ‘bride and groom’ tradition of the groom walking down the aisle and just meet each other in front of the registrar.

The door was opened for me but I couldn’t move. Fear paralysed my limbs. What if Bam had changed his mind? What if Mige was right and I was making a mistake? What if in twelve months we’d be one of the millions of couples filing for divorce unable to remember why and how they fell in love?

“Go, he’s waiting for you” Linde whispered into my ear and nudged me in the back. I crept from the car, suddenly uncertain about what I was doing. I felt trapped; Mige and Linde guided me in through the door and along to the huge hall where the ceremony was being held. What would happen if I ran now? Why did we need to be married anyway? Weren’t we fine as we were?

“Mige...I...I” I began, intent on asking him to get me out of this somehow and then Linde opened the door and I saw him. He stood playing with the cuff of the coal black suit he wore, his forest green cravat nestled neatly against his neck. He looked over at Jess and laughed nervously at something he’d said. He looked so beautiful.

The room was full of people but I didn’t see them, I took no notice of anyone. Just Bam. Everything about him took my breath away, and seeing the vulnerability in the way he was looking around and shifting his weight from one foot the other and back again made me fall in love with him all over again. My heart took up a rapid beat as I smoothed my hands over my grey suit and began to walk towards him.

He turned to face me when I was halfway to him and the look in his eyes stopped me. Tears filled my eyes and my throat ached. I saw love, pure love shining from the azure depths of his eyes. I quickened my pace, eager to reach him. He held his hand out to me and I took it smiling widely at him.  We turned to face the woman who would marry us and I felt laughter once more bubble against my lips. I could honestly not remember ever feeling this kind of joy.

“We are here today to witness the joining in civil partnership of Ville and Brandon who would like to thank you all for coming to celebrate the beginning of a new chapter in their life together as they become civil partners. Family and friends have travelled a long way to be with them today, and it means a great deal to Ville and Brandon that you can be here to share in their happiness and witness their civil partnership vows”

“Ville and Brandon, the purpose of a civil partnership is that you may always love, care for and support each other through all the joys of your life and cope with the sorrows. Entering a civil partnership means making a commitment to life and loving each other, to developing and maintaining co-operation, friendship and mutual respect. It calls for trust, understanding and encouragement”

I smiled at Bam; we had all of those things. We’d worked damn hard to achieve them but we had them all. Bam ran his thumb along the back of my hand and a shiver passed through my body. Oh. I couldn’t wait to feel his lips on my own once more.  To have him hold me and touch me.
“Brandon and Ville now wish to affirm their relationship and to offer to each other the security which comes from vows, sincerely made and faithfully kept. However, if any person here present knows of any lawful impediment to this civil partnership then he or she should declare it now.” Although I knew full well that no one was against what we were doing I still held my breath for the few moments of silence.

“Ville, would you like to turn towards Brandon and speak?” I smiled at our registrar, noticing the twinkle in her brown eyes. Bam was looking at me expectantly, his smile serene. I cleared my throat, took a deep breath and began to speak.

“Bam, because of you, I laugh, I smile, I dare to dream again. 
I look forward with great joy to spending the rest of my
life with you, caring for you, nurturing you, being there for you in all life
has for us, and I vow to be true and faithful for as long
as we both shall live. I love you”

Tears filled my voice as I spoke to Bam the words that I’d written from my heart the night he’d asked me to marry him. Bam’s own eyes filled with tears and I brushed them away with the back of my hand. I couldn’t believe we were finally doing this at last.

“Thank you Ville. Now Brandon, it is your turn” The registrar spoke, her voice soft.

“We are going to live together and love together and have so much fun and a little pain and live a life that will make people die of jealousy wishing they were us. I promise you’ll have the best time with me and I’ll never mess this up again. I’m your man" Bam said, his voice soft yet vibrant. I laughed as he finished. His vow was completely and utterly him and made my heart skip a beat. With one last look into each other’s eyes we turned to face the woman who was marrying us once more.

“We now come to the exchange of rings, which is the traditional way of sealing the vows that you have just made. A ring is an unbroken circle symbolising unending and everlasting love and is the outward sign of the lifelong promise you have just made to each other.

Mige and Jess could you please present the rings.”

As asked the two men gave me and Bam the rings we’d carefully designed and had made. The registrar asked us to repeat what she said and turned to Bam.

“Ville, I give you this ring as a symbol of my love, passion, affection and respect, now and always.” With a smile Bam took my hand and slid the band of white gold etched with a tiny heartagram onto my ring finger. It fit perfectly as I knew it would and gave me a feeling of belonging that I didn’t know how to describe. Fighting the tears in my throat I took Bam’s left hand and with shaking fingers slid his ring onto his finger. I cleared my throat and forced my voice to be strong and clear.

“Brandon, I give you this ring as a symbol of my love, passion, affection and respect, now and always.” Bam did not let go of my hand after I’d slipped the ring onto his finger. The registrar gestured to a table to the left of us and began to speak to our friends and family once more.

“Now the moment has come for Ville and Brandon to sign the register, which will bind them together in law in the presence of you, their witnesses and guests. Brandon and Ville would you please step forward to sign the civil partnership along with April and Anita, your mothers and witnesses”.

Together we crossed to the table and in turn signed our names on the register. April began to sniffle softly as Bam grinned at me. One after the other we declared the legalities to the room.

“I declare that I know of no legal reason why we may not register as each other's civil partner. I understand that on signing this document we will be forming a civil partnership with each other.”
“Now that the ceremony is over and the experience of living day by day as legal partners is about to begin, go and enjoy each other and the love you share.

Brandon and Ville, you are now partners in law and I have great pleasure in congratulating you. You may now both kiss the groom!” The registrar clapped her hands together as Bam leaned towards me and captured my lips in his own.

As he pulled away, the realisation of what had just happened hit me and I burst into tears, love making my heart feel swollen and tender. Rolling his eyes Bam took me into his arms and kissed my tears away.

“My n’idiot husband” He whispered in my ear as we walked up the aisle together which made me cry harder and laugh at the same time. It came out as a snort making Bam laugh hard and kiss the side of my head.


We held the reception in the same place as our ceremony. The banquet hall was decorated beautifully in shades of cerulean blue and forest green. I gasped as Bam led me into the room. The night flew by. With an awkward first dance that had me burying my head against Bam’s shoulder in embarrassment and Bam trying to moonwalk off the dance floor and making me laugh so hard I fell to the floor.
We were given food that was delicious and beautifully presented and inevitably ended up being thrown at many of the guests. Bam looked so carefree and young as he took a handful of dressing soaked lettuce and threw it at Novak’s face. He told me once that I kept him young and at thirty six he did in fact look years younger than he was.

He glanced at me and grinned when he saw I was watching him. He resurrected me. Whenever the darkness threatened to engulf me he was there. He caught me and held me and fought the dark away. I reached for him and he took my hand in his own, lifted it to his lips and placed the softest of kisses against the skin there. After fifteen years the feeling of his lips on my skin still made me swoon.
Mige gave a speech that had me cringe with humiliation, laugh at his dorky humour and swell with pride that he was my friend in the space of five minutes. Jess tried to break the ‘how many jokes can I crack about my kid brother in five minutes’ record and I think he won.

Everyone danced and most people drank and we were ok with that. Funny for two recovering alcoholics you may think but we had fun sitting in the huge padded chairs Bam had insisted on and watching the friendly competitiveness rise up between Camp Kill Yourself and Camp Finlandia.

I couldn’t stop looking at Bam and the ring that gleamed on his finger as he spoke to our many guests.  It looked so perfect, so natural to have the heartagram emblazoned on his ring finger. He looked so proud to be here with me, at our wedding. The love that pounded in my heart threatened to spill out and drown him.

During a quiet moment where Bam had gone to drown his brother in the punch bowl my mother came and sat next to me and took my hand. I smiled at her astounded by her beauty and wondered why my papa always said how I looked like her.

“I am very proud of you poika. You’ve done something that takes a lot of...ah what’s the word? Courage. I hope he looks after you?” She asked raising her eyebrow in the elegant arch I was used to. I patted her hand and chuckled.

“He does aiti, he takes good care of me” I reassured her gazing over at my husband, his beautiful suit dark with splodges of spilt fruit punch. My mother nodded and we sat in the serene peacefulness I was used to when around her.

A warm and comfortable tiredness settled upon me. Today had been such a long day, the best day I’d ever had but so, so long! I rubbed my heavy eyes and giggled when I saw Bam pinned under Mige’s stout body, being tickled mercilessly. My man was occupied. I smiled and stood making my way over to the doors leading onto a balcony.

The night air was frigid. It was strangely soothing. The moon was high in the sky and the sky was an inky blanket of shimmering light. Although I’d lived here my whole life long the beauty of Finland still took my breath away. I tilted my head to see the stars directly above me. They danced and winked down at me.

Unbidden a vision of Bam the way he looked the night I’d first met him entered my mind. The eyes that had instantly captivated me, the way he’d stood so nonchalantly in front of me, so unknowingly sexual. The hair I’d grasped as our lips met in a drunken kiss. The toned abs that glistened with sweat as I kissed his hip bones. Fifteen years had passed and still the memory made me gasp.

Desire stirred in me, I had not touched him for a week now. We’d been so damn busy with preparations for this day and now all I wanted was to have him inside of me. To see the way the muscles in his arms tense as he pumps his hips in the rhythm that he knows leaves me breathless. To taste the sweat that beads on his tan skin. To receive the frantic kisses as he comes closer to his release.

“Christ” I whispered to the air. I braced my hand against the cold stone balustrade. I needed to calm the hell down. Bam was preoccupied and my mother was in the next room. A hard-on was not a good thing to have at this moment. My fingers lingered against my belt buckle and my eyes strayed to the shadows behind the door. Was it worth the risk?

Someone passed by the door laughing loudly and I jumped, my hand falling back to my side. Fuck. Where was my boyfriend when I needed him? Except he wasn’t my boyfriend anymore was he? He was my husband and this was our wedding night. A smile quirked my lips. He had a duty to carry out didn’t he?

I thought of Don Vito naked to put little Willa back where he was meant to be and strode back through the doors. The scene had changed a little. Bam had pinned my Lily to the floor and was smushing part of the wedding cake we’d cut earlier into his dreads. I crossed to him and just looked down at him.

“Hey ba-“He began and then he looked into my eyes and his face changed. My lips twitched with a small private smile at the way his expression changed. He stood up abruptly, his legs all shaky, proving indeed that he was my very own Bambi. He took his hand, his palm delightfully warm against my chilled one.

“Ladies and gentlemen! We’d like to thank you all for today, you’ve been amazing. Dance, drink, be merry and use protection!” Bam’s voice echoed around the room and he pulled me from the door to a symphony of catcalls and wolf whistles.

We barely made it halfway down the wood panelled corridor before I slammed him hard against the wall and pressed my lips against his. The kiss was hard, fast and so deliciously sensual that little Willa made a reappearance not long after. My body molded to Bam’s in a way that no one else’s ever could.

I kissed him until he was senseless and desperate and then turned and left him there, trembling against the wall. I walked as quickly as I could while still swaying my hips and looking nonchalantly seductive. I knew Bam would be stuck against the wall long enough to give me a few minutes head start. Once I knew I was out of sight, I located the staircase and ran up them as fast as I could.

Finding the ‘bridal’ suite was no problem at all. I fumbled with the key April had pressed into my hand earlier, her cheeks flushed with an awkwardness that made her my adorable mother in law once more.
I stopped in awe as I entered the room. The furniture was made entirely from mahogany and the four poster bed looked sumptuous enough for me to sink into and slumber for an eternity. I shook my head remembering my intentions and stripped my clothes off, my heart thundered in my chest and my blood sang in my veins.

I crawled onto the soft feather coverlet and lay awaiting my husband. Husband. I still could not believe it. He was finally- god finally- my husband. I covered my face with my hands suddenly awash with the reality of it all. I finally had all that I’d ever wanted. A squeal of happiness and then a high pitched giggle left my mouth in rapid succession. I felt so light. So carefree. So. Fucking. Happy.

I screamed in surprise as something hot and heavy collided painfully with my body. I opened my eyes, afraid of what I might see. Insanely blue eyes stared back into my own, a look of pure mischief glimmering in them.

“Bam!” I exclaimed, my rapidly beating heart slowing back to its normal pace “You scared the fucking shit outta me! Prick!” I slapped my hand hard against his muscular arm. He laughed and shushed me with a soft kiss.

“Hush now, husband” He whispered against my lips, the way his breath tickled my sensitive skin driving me to distraction.

“Mmm I like the way that sounds...husband” He whispered, laying his body down fully against my own. His warm skin told me he’d somehow managed to get into the room and strip without me realising. My back arched against the sublime feeling of the sinful kiss he placed against my neck. The tip of his tongue traced the line of my jaw and his hands caressed the skin of my sides.

I hissed when he dragged his blunt nails over my hips- fuck I needed him so badly. I could feel the length of him silky and hard against my thigh. It had been so long since we’d had this kind of time together. He slid down my body, kissed my hip and took me into his mouth in one fell swoop.

“Bam-Bambi I - please- I need you!” I whimpered as he dragged the flat edge of his tongue slowly up my shaft. The warmth of his mouth left me and a whimper fell from my lips. His hand wrapped around me, slick and chilled. My heart tripped.

I opened my eyes in time to see Bam climb atop of me, his one hand holding my cock and the other braced against my chest. Slowly he slid himself onto me. My mouth opened in a silent scream as I felt his incredible heat sheath me.

“Mmmmm fuck baby, this is just - ah- what I needed” Bam whispered his eyes fluttering shut. My hands reached out and grasped his hips when he finally came to a stop. He sat still for a long moment adjusting to me and then with a look that had me gasping began very slowly to rock his hips back and forth.

The movements themselves were small but they sent shockwaves through me. Bam’s head fell back exposing the golden column of his neck. I sat up, wrapping my arms around his torso and bit the pulse point I saw beating in his neck. His skin tasted of salt and his body clenched around me when he groaned.

He rocked faster against me sweat slicking our bodies and making the rhythm flow. I wound my fingers in his hair and pulled gently. The gasp he gave sounded so erotic I found my hips thrusting hard into him; he looked at me shocked, his eyes wide with pleasure. Leaning backwards slightly he used a hand against the bed as leverage and lifted himself half off of me only to slam himself back down a second later. Our moans mingled in the air and I fell back against the bed.

I found myself focusing on all the small things as Bam’s movements became erratic. The hair that stuck to his sweaty skin, the vein pulsing in his forehead from the effort, the way his hands shook as he pushed the hair from his eyes. I had never seen anything as sinfully beautiful before and it took my breath away. Tears came to my eyes. I felt so overwhelmed.

In one swift movement I pinned Bam against the bed, his legs wrapped around my stomach automatically. I thrust into him deep and he cried out incoherently. Sweat beaded on my forehead as I thrust into him over and over again. His body clenched around me and I buried my head in the crook of his shoulder breathing in his earthy scent.

As I felt the fire build up inside of me I took my Bam’s length in my hand and began to stroke him in time with my thrusts. Bam’s ragged breaths were laced with groans and he pulled my head up to so he could look into my eyes. He captured my lips in the softest of kisses before breaking away, his head turning to the side as he came over our stomachs with a scream that he muffled in the pillow.
He clung to me as I rocked into his convulsing body; I exploded inside of him a few moments later. My body fell limp against him. I had not experienced an orgasm such as that for a long while; it had rendered me completely useless. Bam ran his finger lazily up my back as I tried to catch my breath.  A euphoric blanket of warmth settled over me.

“Mmmmm” I moaned as Bam’s fingers moved to massage my scalp. My eyes grew heavy as I lay against the man I had married today. I was drifting off into sleep when I felt Bam laugh beneath me.

“Wake up sleepy head, if you think I’m sleeping this way you’ve got another thing coming” I could feel the rumble of his chest as he spoke. I groaned and buried my head further into his curls. He wiggled his body jolting me out of my comfort. I moved from off of him, my cock slipping from his body and pouted down at him.

“Spoilsport” I murmured. He arched his eyebrow and shook his head. Bam got up and headed for the bathroom and I lay down in the warm spot he’d created. Bam came back and wiped the mess he’d created from off my stomach as I yawned.

My limbs felt like lead and I desperately wanted to sleep. Bam smiled down at me and helped me get under the thick duvet. He crawled in beside me and pulled me into his arms. Sleep was almost upon me when I heard him speak.

“So, about tomorrow should we start planning our vow renewal?” There was laughter in his voice and I found the energy to groan, smack him and tell him to fuck off before I let sleep overcome me. My husband had better have been joking.

A/N : I really hoped you liked this! :)
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