Belated thought on Thor upon watching the DVD

Sep 16, 2011 16:01

This should be short enough not to need an lj-cut - okay, the prologue is captioned as taking place in 965 AD, with Thor and Loki (or at least Loki, Thor might be a little bit older) as infants at the time. They're shown as little boys shortly thereafter, but a later scene I won't spoil further confirms that Loki was definitely still a baby at the ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

artistshipper October 15 2012, 15:51:08 UTC
Given how Thor and Loki are most definitely not brothers in the myths, why are you nitpicking *this*?

Also, Sif is Thor's wife in the myths.


vitruvian23 October 15 2012, 15:58:59 UTC
Because the myths, being stories people told about the Asgardians of the movies, could easily be wrong on such details. It's a really, really easy case of unreliable narrator.

That Nordic peoples prior to the date given by a caption in the movie worshipped Thor or a Thor-like figure, however, is a matter of history, making the MU more of an AU (and prior to the development of the super-soldier serum) than it really needs to be if the date is correct.

Or maybe Bifrost can provide time travel in addition to travel between 'realms'. It's described as an Einstein-Rosen bridge, after all, and those are warps in space-time, not space alone.


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