Yes, people! Believe it or not....they are out there, T-shirts I really like and which I think are actually cool/funny.
I never thought I would ever see such ones in Germany, even more than affordable...O_O
Anyway, I gotta share some here cuz I just LUV them (and some other clothes I like...etc)
-->See the LUV here <-- )
Comments 8
They're really cute ^___^ <333 Oh, and did I miss ur bday? o: If I did, happy late birthday... ^^'
I like the second shirt the best, with the butterflies and all *__* <3
Haha, great u think so too! <3
Nah, my birthday was in June. XDD But thank you! *hugs*
Haha, yeah! I was surprised to discover such a print in Germany. Normally you don't find such things here. >_
haha one love~ very glay <3
Yeah, cuz one of their albums is named "One Love". XD <33
(I think I missed the deadline for my Glay fanclub-renewal (well, I sent it before it ended but...T__T didn't get my fanmag yet so this is a bad thing. I guess I'll have to apply again. >_<)
Thank u!
But I don't think there is any possibiliy to check if the post lost the fanclub magazine...but waiting for the next one. T__T
hab ich das nun richtig verstanden? oO;
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