Haha! Heroes Bride Index of...Chapter Things!
(In chronological order according to the narrative, not how I wrote them)
Twist: Gratuitous, vaguely spoilery (for the fic) prequel smut. Yes, I'm odd.
Chapter 1: Peter, Claude; arguing, kissing, and, well, that's about it, really. PG
When Push Comes to Shove: The one attempt at smut for this; because, after all, it's a children's story! R-ish because I am lame.
The Calm Before the Storm: More cuteness, the one thing thus far from Claude's POV and, I hope, not the last. PG-13
Gift: Another bit of random smut; Peter/Claude this time.
Chapter 2: Some cuteness at the beginning, then Claude, as always, leaves. PG-13
Chapter 3: Well, there's Adam. That shouldn't be my favorite part, but...it is. PG-13
Chapter 4: Adam and Peter in the castle. Elle makes an appearance. PG-13 seems to be the norm.
Chapter 5: Adam, Peter, and mentions of others; discussions of what happened to Claude that aren't actually all that helpful. PG-13.
Chapter 6: Wow, things are kind of starting to pick up, yeah? A whole bunch of Heroes characters show up, Princess Bride plot points emerge, and it all remains PG as always.
Chapter 7: The plot chugs along; I try to write Niki properly, and quite possibly fail, and Thompson is a skeeve.
Chapter 8: The plot, it continues! Thompson continues being a skeeve. I try Moho's point of view, and discover that subtlety is not my strong suit.