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1/? petalsweet November 12 2007, 02:58:26 UTC
[ here is a flower girl, running through your apartment! ]

Tseeennng~ have you seen the network? I think--


arrogantpenance November 12 2007, 08:32:19 UTC
*Dryly, he says* Contrary to popular belief, Miss Gainsborough, I do know how to dress myself.

*He heads into his suite and looks inside his drawers. It was cold out, and he supposed that this was his turn to take care of Tseng the way the other had taken care of him, current feelings of bitterness or not. Sweater? Hm. It would be too large on him, but he sets it out anyway. Nothing a belt or a tie around the waist wouldn't solve*


petalsweet November 12 2007, 08:41:19 UTC
[ She rolls her eyes ] Sure, Mr. President, but that's not contrary to anyone's belief. What I called into question was how experienced you are with infants. ... Don't worry, we'll get you covered!

[ In the meantime, she considers the unhappy practicality: is he potty trained? ]


visageofsilence November 12 2007, 08:44:38 UTC
[ Were he just six feet taller and dressed, he'd smack the both of them. And what stinks is he is well aware of what exactly is going on and the fact that he's stuck in this stupid kid body, ACTING like one no less, while just being mentally... different.

It's a stupid, cruel joke, that's what it is. And he mutters what sounds like the words ]



arrogantpenance November 12 2007, 09:08:19 UTC
*He holds out a sweater and a tie, giving it a critical eye before looking over at Aerith, deciding not to answer that. Because really, the answer to the experience thing was a resounding no.*

This? It can always be secured with a tie. I don't think there are baby clothes around.

*At the mutter, Rufus blinked and looked up at the baby sharply, his tone measured. Always, always measured.* Did you say something?


petalsweet November 12 2007, 09:39:09 UTC
[ She looks over the sweater as well, and bites back an obvious retort about the probability of baby clothing being in the area. He was trying, and it was -- interesting. ]

Mm, good idea, I think that'd do the job very nicely with a tie!

[ A smile, more kind than teasing -- and before she can suggest fashioning a diaper, she's brought to attention by Rufus's tone, having missed Tseng's word herself ]

... huh?


visageofsilence November 12 2007, 09:46:16 UTC
[ And the innocent look is back on his face, though he's noticing other things he knows are not normal on Rufus. And almost protectively, he moves a hand to Aerith's arm, but at the same time, he wants to go to Rufus. ]

... Warm.


arrogantpenance November 12 2007, 10:18:10 UTC
*He nods at Aerith, then hands her the sweater and tie, about to get her to put Tseng on the bed to make clothing him better. At the toddler's word, he glances over at the heater, warm?* Should I lower the thermostat, then?


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