8 picspam

Feb 10, 2018 18:09

I can't believe, I'm here... again!
After three years I came back with a new graphic post.
I decide to put some old stuff that I made in last years, 8 differents picspam about: Charmed, Ghost Whisperer and Harper's Island.
I hope you'll like them.

{3} picspam about Ghost Whisperer
{1} picspam about Harper's Island
{4} picspam about Charmed

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tv: ghost whisperer, graphic: wallpapers, !picspam, tv: charmed

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Comments 5

lady_turner February 15 2018, 19:43:34 UTC
Bentornata! ♥
Bellissimi questi picspam, soprattutto quelli di Ghost Whisperer!


virtualkaty February 19 2018, 21:02:38 UTC
Grazie mille Sofia, sei sempre dolcissima con me!
Spero di poter realizzare qualche nuova cosina il prima possibile!


lady_turner March 7 2018, 17:24:04 UTC
E di cosa! Non vedo l'ora allora di vedere i tuoi nuovi lavori! ♥

P.S. Comunque non sono Sofia, sono Gloria! Lei è tturners! ;)


virtualkaty March 12 2018, 14:54:52 UTC
Oddio che figura, scusami Glo... sto proprio invecchiando mamma mia!


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