Happy Fun Times

Sep 21, 2007 20:37

Fandom: CSI: NY
Title: Happy Fun Times
Pairing/Characters: Don Flack/Truly Pack (OC)
Author: Liv
Prompt: Vacation
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I don’t own the characters of CSI:NY, but please ask before you use any of my OC’s.
Authors Note: Written for iluvroadrunner6 who wanted vacation fic. Not the greatest vacation ever, but still.

Don was sitting on his couch watching tv. Yes, that was how he was going to spend the three days he had off from work. Sitting on his ass and watch tv. Maybe call Truly and ask her over at one point during that time, but other than that: Nothing.

Unless someone were to knock on his door, and interrupt him of his nothingness. Don groaned as someone rapped on his door again, getting up from his couch and opening the door with an annoyed expression on his face.

"What do you wa- hey."

"Hey," said Truly, not fazed by the fact that she was almost bitched out, giving Don a smile and leaning against the doorframe. "Heard you got a vacation."

"I did," said Don with a smirk, giving her a once over. "How’d you find out?"

"I can’t tell you," said Truly giving Don a wolfish grin. "Where’s the fun in that?"

"Oh, so you’re being cute?"

"I’m always cute," Truly pushed herself off of the doorframe and reached out, grabbing the front of Don’s shirt. "You need a real vacation. On me."

"Like the sound of that," mumbled Don, letting Truly pull him out of his apartment.

"Not like that, perv," muttered Truly, rolling her eyes at him. "You never do anything on your days off, so, I’m gonna make you do something."

"Like what?"


"You’re serious about this?"


"But, Tru it’s..."


"It’s a grave yard, Truly," said Don giving Truly a look. She shrugged and slipped her arm through his.

"When was the last time you were here?"

"The funeral," said Don, ignoring the look Truly was giving him, looking out into the endless rows of gravestones. "It’s not that I have a problem with being here, it’s the fact that it’s almost midnight that’s creeping me out."

"You have a problem with being here," said Truly with a sigh, looking up at him and shaking her head sadly. "I’ll be here the whole time. Frank’s been dead for about a year? You haven’t ever visited his grave? I thought you like him."

"I did- I mean, I still do."

"Then you’re long over due in paying your respects," said Truly, taking a step forward, off the graveled pathway and onto the grass, pulling Don along with her. "You’re going to go."

"This vacation sucks."

"It sucks because you’re making it suck," said Truly, stopping in front of Don and turning around to look him in the eye. "If you do this, I’ll do whatever you want on the rest of your vacation. Hell, I’ll even go home and leave you alone."

"Promise?" Truly nodded sincerely and Don sighed. "Which way?"

Truly grinned at Don and took him by the hand, leading him through the maze of headstones.

"I still don’t consider this a vacation," muttered Don. "Going to see a dead person does not scream ‘happy fun time’ at me."

tag_iluvroadrunner6, pairing_don flack / truly pack, requests

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