[ showcase #12 - overture ]

Nov 25, 2011 22:10

Not one would mind, neither bird nor tree,
If mankind perished utterly;
And Spring herself when she woke at dawn
Would scarcely know that we were gone.
--Sara Teasdale - "There Will Come Soft Rains"

[ Action - 1491 Kramden - Late morning ]

[Spending the extra time and money to reinforce the house during renovations had served the Jordan ( Read more... )

event![nukefield], where's parallax when you need him, roll for will, graveyard, not acting married, survival mode go, symbolic type junk, not without a fight, pretend the world has ended, this guy's a superhero y'all, grace under pressure, action, america fuck no, oh hey it's future!coast city, this is not on my bucket list

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Comments 32

action - Grocer's pkeccentric November 26 2011, 09:35:01 UTC
[on his way back from Mayor's office, Ray happens upon a sight which he supposes isn't going to become too peculiar as the day goes on. every minute spent dilly dallying is only going to make things worse, but...suppose this guy's seen them -]

Excuse me. [for once, he doesn't sound chirpy. or chipper. or anything close to happy. just very, very strained.] Have you seen a guy around here with hair that sticks up like this? [he runs a hand through his own hair, trying to mimic Venkman's usual style.] Or a little girl with dark hair and glasses? Both of them answer to Peter and Jade respectively.


action - Grocer's viridian_knight November 26 2011, 13:42:19 UTC
[His hand closes on something, no, somethings hard and rectangular. Metal, by the sound it makes when he thumps a finger against it. Is it? It couldn't be...

Excuse me.

He looks up over the fallen shelf, onto the street visible through the collapsed wall, spotting Ray. Hal withdraws his prizes and shimmies back into a sitting position, brushing dust off his front. Hooking a finger in the fabric of his bandanna, the pilot pulls it down from his face and shakes his head.]

I can't say I have, sorry.

[The cans of Spam clink against the rest of the contents of his rucksack, and he tests its weight. Good enough for to take back.]

Have you found Egon? He might have a better idea. Here- I'll take you to him.


elevatoravatar November 26 2011, 14:29:27 UTC
[Liz was also out in the devastation, taking some time to readjust to the fact she was unable to call her persona but still knowing that she was in fact still her she sighed, standing at the opening of what was once the grocery.]

Hrm, this place may soon become a battleground, how sad.

[She sits on the remains of a dairy case and starts quietly singing something sad sounding in her usual odd language]


viridian_knight November 26 2011, 15:21:48 UTC
[Having retrieved the tins he was after, Hal continues the search. There's no telling how long this might go on, perhaps one more day, perhaps more. Perhaps a week. Two. Maybe the whole charade is truly over and finished. He wonders if they can leave the town now, and if so where would any of them go?

Lost in thought, the sound of singing startles him completely. Standing up straight, he heads in its direction, unable to decipher the words and yet sensing still the melancholy behind them.

Catching sight of the girl atop the case, he almost backs off to leave her to it. There's still too much yet to do though, and he carries on his work without a pause, checking for any perishables that might still be salvaged...though he's still listening.]


elevatoravatar November 26 2011, 15:23:41 UTC
[Liz peers down at the man and tilts her head, stopping her song]

This place does odd things to drive its people to despair, doesn't it?


viridian_knight November 26 2011, 15:35:41 UTC
If they assume it'll make us all fall in line, they have another think coming.

[A glance up at her, as he considers a selection of soft cheese. He should make a stop by the fire station on his way back, they shouldn't miss another axe.]


action- The Jordan house wentthroughhell November 26 2011, 14:34:15 UTC
[Rick wasn't the type of person to take end of the world situations lying down. After making sure Eridan was safe he had gone out looking for other survivors still feeling the need to protect even if he wasn't a Deputy in Mayfield. Who knew what would sprout up from the sudden destruction- riots, barbaric personality swings, any of the above. He'd seen it back home when food was scarce and the weak could easily be dominated. Merle had proved that well enough back in Atlanta. Damn- he really wished Shane was there almost sickeningly grateful that his wife and son weren't. A switch from what he had thought just the day before.

Walking down Kramden he came upon the man covering the graves, frowning a little as he made a slow approach. A hatchet rested in a hastily made loop off his belt that he wore with surprising ease. ]

Need some help?


action- The Jordan house viridian_knight November 26 2011, 15:46:06 UTC
[It was the hatchet he noticed first about the man, the sight of which made Hal stand up straight, all 6'2" of him. Apocalyptic scenarios could and would bring about the best in people, but it could also bring out the worst. Shifting his weight slightly, the pilot considers his response.]

I've almost finished.

[Another shovelful of earth is deposited onto the small bundles of linen, hiding it from view.]

Haven't seen you in town before. New?


wentthroughhell November 26 2011, 23:14:45 UTC
[If it had been a few weeks ago Rick would have felt something for the drone kids that lay dead in that grave. If it had been a few weeks ago before Rick put down the child walker, he would have been sick at the thought of what was happening. Now though? Now he didn't even bat an eye. Studying the small graves quietly he looked back to Hal before nodding his head a little.]

Couple weeks now yeah. Can honestly say I'm making it a habit waking up in worlds that turn to hell in a hand basket right fast. [Not to mention having the feeling of there being no place safe in the universe for people that he knew and loved. God was going to stick it to them no matter what they did or didn't do.]

Name's Rick Grimes. What's left of my pillbox of a house is over on Mitchell Road- thought I'd see if anyone needs any help or be interested in doing a supply run in to town.


viridian_knight November 27 2011, 00:07:31 UTC
[One of the more curious statements he's run across here. Hal files it away as he tamps down the loose soil and then lays down the shovel. Dusting his hands off on his jeans, he walks to what remained of the fence line.] That's probably a decent habit to break.

Hal Jordan. [It might be difficult to read his expression with the bandanna covering half his face, but his hand is out for Rick to take and his tone sounds friendly enough.]

We're all right for the moment, the only ones we lost were the drone kids. My wi-housemate and I might go into town after noon.


kryptonsson November 26 2011, 15:48:02 UTC
...Need any help?

[Clark would offer his hands to anybody who need them, superpowers or not. He'd made sure his family was alright, now it was his friend's turn. Even if he hadn't really spoken that much to Clark yet... Hal was among them.]


viridian_knight November 27 2011, 00:21:30 UTC
I've only got the one shovel. [When he finally glances up from his task, however, Hal pulls the cloth down from his face, a sudden smile lighting his face. Get prepared to be embraced like a long-lost brother, Kent.]

Clark! I'm glad to see you made it.


kryptonsson November 27 2011, 19:31:32 UTC
[That's alright, Clark is hugging him just as tight. He lets him go after a few moments though- it's not the best time to just standing there bro-hugging each other, and he's aware of that.]

I'm glad to see you, too. Is... is your family alright? [He's trying to be subtle about this.]


Action: Groecer's kettchmeifucan November 26 2011, 17:23:28 UTC
[Wes has been travelling around town, trying to do what he can. It hasn't been much.]

Need a hand with that?


Action: Groecer's viridian_knight November 27 2011, 00:37:34 UTC
Wes? Wes! Are you ever a sight for sore eyes. [Hal works on scooting back and upright from his awkward position on the floor. Guess what, fellow pilot? You're getting a hug whether you like it or not.]


Re: Action: Groecer's kettchmeifucan November 27 2011, 16:14:16 UTC
[Situations like this, you gotta hug]

Good to see you, Hal. Quite the kriffed up situation we've got here.


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