060 - Phone Post [Filtered From The Master]

Nov 13, 2006 13:11

Phone Post
(No transcript available.)

[Begin Phone Post]

The master is quite distressed over the loss of a few books. Not for their apparent age, as it is to our knowledge they were published at some point in the late 14th Century, but rather...Of what they contained. Grimoires of that age and containing that kind of power are not easy for even the wealthy and well-connected to get their grubby, undeserving little hands on, so it would stand to reason that the master will have a harder time than even the most common of common men to even have hopes of replacing them.

One would think that shouldn't be the case, given the master's heritage: A son of Sparda would, no doubt, have privaledge over the privaledged in an ideal world. But there are those in own home world, and in Desai, too, that would be hardpressed to let one of even demonic nobilty, such as the master and master's brother, breathe on such tomes, as actually have them in their possession. Thus we do believe this to be the case with the master's missing books. There are those among humans and demons who know the true identity of the master, though he hides it well. And there are those who seek to use the master for his blood, strength, and nobility, would they could only get their hands upon him.

It is a pity, too. Within one of these books was a small slip of paper, containing the enchantment, slightly modified from one found within the surrounding pages, the master used on his guns, for their...How do you say...Infinite firing capability. True enough, as long as the enchantment holds where it is now, all is well, but the thought of that kind of thing within the hands of those we are aware of...Well, the prospect is quite frightening for all those who show signs of demonic blood, be it from our world, or from others, as the cursed ones' reach stretches deeply into the hearts of both Desai, and other worlds. Spira, for one. Terra, another. Gaia is also affected, as is the mirror-worlds to our own.

Ah! Here comes the master. We mustn't let him catch us at the phone, as he has yet to become aware of our 'abilities'. For the moment, I believe this is best.

[End Phone Post]
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