So, one of my writing resolutions for this year was to run a monthly drabble request as a means of ensuring a steady output of writing. I (eventually) succeeded in doing this for January and February, while March and April were lost causes, but I'm ready to restart the requests! After all, I will be done with school on May 9, which should leave plenty of time for writing.
Thus, if you would like to request a drabble (and please, please do!), please comment on this entry with:
- A fandom (Harry Potter, Merlin, Rome, Kushiel's Legacy, The Office, Heroes, Gossip Girl, and, er, the Obama administration? yes, I am shameless)
- A character and/or pairing from that fandom
- Two adjectives
- A time of day
(Half the fun of this is thinking up these random prompts!)
Signing off, V.M. Bell