Avatar the Last Airbender - An animated show on Nick featuring a fantasy based world heavily influenced by Asian culture incorporating elemental based martial arts called "bending" in four elements: air, water, earth, fire. The series follows the Avatar, a special being who is born with access to all four elements and the unifying spirit world, entrusted with guarding the balance between said elements and the associated nations of people for each. In the last 100 years, the Avatar (Aang) has been missing and the Fire Nation have had a rather successful military campaign to conquer the other 4 nations leaving the Air Nomads decimated, the Water Tribes on the brink, and hounding the Earth Nation constantly. The Avatar however has returned, discovered by two Water Tribe children, but is a child himself still and still in need of learning the other 3 elements to be able to stop the Fire Nation. The series depicts his journey to learn the other elements and prepare to defeat the Fire Nation as well as the journey of the Fire Nation
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