Title: A-Yo Pairing: Jonghyun/Onew (Eunsook) Rating: NC-17 (overall) Series: Up & Down - Side Story Epilogue Takes place at the end of the Up & Down series.
AHHHHHH! Eunsook is going to propose to JJONGIE!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! AHHHHHH! *rolls around on bed like a dying fish in her fit of glee*
I want to ride a unicorn up a rainbow I am so ridiculously happy about that. Of course Eunsook would propose because Jjong is a bumbling idiot but a cute hot completely hopelessly in love idiot. awww this is a sweet and funny epilogue and LOL at gwiboon and Taemin's frolicking. That was the cherry on top!
Great series my dear! Loved it! thank you for sharing it and being the wonderful you, you always are! :)
lmfao actually it's minho and gwiboon's frolicking, i forgot to mention that this chapter takes place during minho and gwiboon's honeymoon... ANYWAY glad you liked this! <3333
okay so i fail at coming back on time OTL but! this was so adorable and satisfying despite the short length. lmao at jjong being all awkwarded out at taemin's sexuality. “You have a nice rack.” lmao XD subtle
and eunsook is going to propose!!!!! so adorable! i love that so much. i never would have thought of it, but it's absolutely brilliant. i can just imagine jonghyun being so confused and surprised. anad then he'd cry i'm sure :')
Comments 51
I want to ride a unicorn up a rainbow I am so ridiculously happy about that. Of course Eunsook would propose because Jjong is a bumbling idiot but a cute hot completely hopelessly in love idiot. awww this is a sweet and funny epilogue and LOL at gwiboon and Taemin's frolicking. That was the cherry on top!
Great series my dear! Loved it! thank you for sharing it and being the wonderful you, you always are! :)
ANYWAY glad you liked this! <3333
Well both of them have a complete collection of their own wacky tags to express their royal herp derp.
but! this was so adorable and satisfying despite the short length.
lmao at jjong being all awkwarded out at taemin's sexuality.
“You have a nice rack.”
lmao XD subtle
and eunsook is going to propose!!!!! so adorable! i love that so much. i never would have thought of it, but it's absolutely brilliant. i can just imagine jonghyun being so confused and surprised. anad then he'd cry i'm sure :')
this whole off-shot was just ♥
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