Title: A-Yo Pairing: Jonghyun/Onew (Eunsook) Rating: NC-17 (overall) Series: Up & Down - Side Story Part: 1 / 5 Summary: Jonghyun is a pervert and Eunsook is out of his league. He shouldn’t even try, right?
RDD is my favorite jonghyun and i will forever encase him in a glass jar on my dresser ;_; LMAO anyway this is 100% different from the initial word doc teaser i posted because i hated that idea and scrapped it lol :( i ended up re-writing the entire thing and finishing it today and it's better!! so i'm really glad you like it ^_^ his nostril IS a separate part, at least the bigger one is... kkkkkk
lmao. i could totally imagine jonghyun being a cheeky bastard and pretending to conduct the school band on the roof. i'm so excited to see how he and eunsook actually ~officially~ meet! i can't wait for more!
kekeke glad you liked!! this is way different than what i originally planned so i'm glad that it's well received ^__^ thank you for reading annie!!! i can't wait to post more ;____;
zsdjakljsklejabkl3jwiobjssjjk O3O I AM SO EXCITED. I loved up and down and I really wanted you to do jongie and eunsook's story I'm all excited now and happy and jagkljekljaw <3 <3 <3
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LMAO anyway this is 100% different from the initial word doc teaser i posted because i hated that idea and scrapped it lol :( i ended up re-writing the entire thing and finishing it today and it's better!! so i'm really glad you like it ^_^
his nostril IS a separate part, at least the bigger one is...
Yes, me gusta.
Thank you for doing this!! SO EXCITED! :DD
( ... )
i'm so excited to see how he and eunsook actually ~officially~ meet!
i can't wait for more!
I loved up and down and I really wanted you to do jongie and eunsook's story I'm all excited now and happy and jagkljekljaw <3 <3 <3
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