The Sound of Silence Ch 9/?

Sep 22, 2015 22:26

Title: The Sound Of Silence
Characters: Dean/OFC, Sam/OFC, Alec, Ben, Dark Angel Crossover
Spoilers: None
Summary: Five months have past since the Winchesters took down Manticore. As Ben and Alec settle into a normal life they think their past is behind them. You can never run from your past.
This is a sequel to Horseshoes and Hand Grenades which you can read here. Or on AO3

Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three Chapter Four Chapter Five Chapter Six Chapter Seven Chapter Eight

Or on AO3

Chapter 9
*~Disclaimer: I don't own any of the Dark Angel or Supernatural characters. For this fic I changed the DA time line. The pulse has already hit and Ben and Alec are out of Manticore in 2009. The characters of Lexi, Jake and Jackie are from a Supernatural AU Verse 'The Ties That Bind' that I write. Even though the original characters are from an AU Verse, reading the AU Verse is not necessary. This is a sequel to Horseshoes and Hand Grenades. I hope you like it. Reviews would be great.~*

It wasn’t easy to convince Dean to go back to New Orleans but somehow Lexi did. She glanced over at him sitting in the passenger seat. He had finally relaxed once they entered New Orleans Parish. Now Dean was staring out the window as they crossed the bridge over Lake Pontchartrain. There was blue sky above them and blue water below them. If she didn’t know better it looked like the pulse had never happened.

Lexi took a deep breath and smiled to herself. They were going home after being on the road for over a year. Well, not home exactly. They weren’t going back to their apartment on Royal Street but they were going back to the city they loved. She wondered what state they would find the city in and hoped her Grandmother was still in the Garden District.

She took the Canal Street exit, turned onto St. Charles and then another turn onto Prytania Street. She stopped in front of 1415 Prytania Street and felt herself relax. Once she placed the car in park, Lexi looked up at the old yellow double-gallery house and smiled. Her grandmother’s house was intact and the lights were on. That was a good sign.

Dean got out of the car first, his eyes sweeping along the deserted street. It was quiet, too quiet for his liking. He hoped Lexi was right about this. Hiding in plain sight from Manticore made sense but it was a risk. Dean turned towards Lexi and gestured for the keys. She tossed them to him then went to the back driver’s side door to get Stella out of her car seat.

Dean goes around to the back of the car popping the trunk. Ben and Alec are on his heels and begin helping him pull their bags from the trunk. Dean grabs the weapons duffel, slings it over his shoulder then closes the trunk. His eyes dart to Lexi who has Stella on one hip and Jake on the other as she makes her way to the front door. Dean gestures at the twins to follow their Mom before he leans against the car to wait for Sam and Jackie to arrive.

Lexi puts Jake down on the porch, shifts Stella to her other hip then rings the bell. She holds her breath while waiting for the door to open. She’s about to push the bell again when the door opens.


“Hi, Granny.” She smiles in relief. “Can we come in?”

“Of course. Get in here. Who’s the little one?” She asks gesturing to Stella. Her gaze then falls on twins, her eyes widening. “And who are they?”

“This is your Great Granddaughter Stella Elizabeth and I’ll explain about the boys when we’re inside.”

“You named her after me? Well, isn’t that sweet.”

“Well, you and A Street Car Named Desire. Dean loves that movie.”

Once inside her Granny turned to her with a raised eyebrow, “Who are these adorable boys Lexi?”

“They’re mine and Dean’s twin boys. This is Ben and Alec.”

“Lexi, you miscarried in college. There’s no way that they’re yours.”

“Well, that’s what we’re telling everyone. The truth is they’re Dean’s clones.”

“Excuse me?”

“We’re clones. Ben and I were made in a secret government agency with our Dad’s stolen DNA. We can prove it.” Alec stated matter of fact.

Lexi’s grandmother stared in disbelief as Alec blurred. She shook her head then glanced at Ben and then at Lexi. “What shit did you and your husband step in now?”

“Some deep shit. Oh and Dean can’t hear or speak. He was cursed by a witch.”

“Just another Tuesday then, uh? Come in the kitchen I’m sure y’all are hungry.”

Estelle Devereaux was no stranger to the supernatural. She was born and raised in New Orleans. Her first husband died in the war and that’s when strange things began happening around the house. A friend put her in contact with a hunter named Marcel Devereaux who put her first husband’s spirit to rest. Not long after that, Marcel became her second husband. He died too young and bloody in her opinion. She knew not many hunters reach the age of forty five like Marcel did but that knowledge never gave her any comfort.

Estelle puts a pot on the stove and begins to gather the ingredients to make jambalaya. She makes a pot every time Dean comes over to eat. It’s his favorite dish that she makes besides her pecan pie. She’s always had a soft spot in her heart for Dean. He reminds her of Marcel. Sacrificial, fearless and heroic. He’s an inherently good man. Her son in law on the other hand, is an ass for dismissing him because Dean’s a hunter and because of his and Lexi’s age difference. Five years is nothing in the grand scheme of things. Joe Brennan was one to talk being a hunter himself. He’s always been a hypocrite. For the life of her, Estelle never did see what her daughter saw in him.

“You need any help, Granny?” Lexi questioned as she entered the kitchen with the kids in tow.

“No, I’m good but why don’t you let the boys go play in the yard.” Lexi raised her eye brow in doubt. Normally she would have no issue with the boys going out to play but there was a chance Manticore could be watching them. “Lexi, they’re boys they need to burn off some energy.”

“Ok,” Lexi relented with a sigh, “but you stay in the yard and no blurring Alec.”

“Why do you ALWAYS single me out, Mom?” Alec huffed.

“Because you’re like your father and you don’t listen.”

“I’ll make sure he doesn’t blur Mom.” Ben replied promptly.

Alec glared at his twin mocking him. “I’ll make sure he doesn’t blur Mom. You’re such a goody two shoes.”

“And you’re a brat.”

Lexi shook her head as she watched her boys go out the back door. She turned her attention to her grandmother, “Sorry about that. The boys are usually much better behaved.”

“It’s fine Lexi. They’ve been cooped up in a car for how long? They just need to stretch their legs and run around. So, tell me more about those two.”

“Long story, short. An old military buddy of Dean’s dad stole his DNA. Then this Manticore place used it to make those little super soldiers. They were experimenting with gene splicing to make the perfect weapon. I know it sounds like science fiction but they really did it. Those boys have feline DNA.”

“And of course you and Dean found them.”

“Of course we did. When did a Winchester ever have good luck?”

“Dean did the day he met you.”

“Granny stop.” Lexi laughed while her cheeks flushed pink.

“You two belong together.” Estelle smiled at her granddaughter and waved her finger. “I’ve been saying that since the day I met him. I’m glad you two came to your senses and got back together. Now I got two adorable great grandchildren. I mean FOUR adorable great grandchildren.”

Their conversation ended abruptly once Dean entered the kitchen with Sam and Jackie. Estelle stopped what she was doing and ushered her grandson in law over to the kitchen table. She smiled at Dean then went to the refrigerator to retrieve a pie. She cut a large slice of apple pie, poured him a cup of coffee then placed the slice of pie in front of him. Dean looked down at the pie then back to her with a boyish grin on his face. She was glad to see him smile despite everything that was going on at the moment. She reached down patting his cheek. Dean closed his eyes and leaned into her touch not caring who saw. “My sweet boy,” Estelle said softly, “we’ll get ya fixed up in no time.”

The next morning

Sam huffed as he made his way through Honey Island Swamp. He still couldn't believe he let Lexi talk him into this. Dean is going to kill them dead when he finds out they went to a Voodoo Priestess to break his curse. Sam understands perfectly why his brother is going to be pissed about this but he also sees Lexi's side. If this Ms. Thibodeaux could pull it off and actually save his brother it was worth a shot. In Sam's opinion, it was better to have Dean back to normal and pissed off then to have Dean cursed and vulnerable. Although, messing with Voodoo doesn’t seem like a smart plan. If Sam was being honest, it makes him nervous. This could all very well blow up in their faces. Plus Dean’s wrath is going to be EPIC when he finds out what they did.

The last Sam saw of his brother this morning, Estelle had put him to work on some repairs. It enabled him and Lexi to slip out of the house unbeknownst to his older brother. The list Estelle had given Dean was quite lengthy. Sam hoped it would give them enough time to get this spell done. Sam glanced over at Lexi and said with a huff, “I hope you know what you’re doing.”

“I’m trying to save my husband. If you have a problem with that Sam then turn around and I’ll go by myself.”

“I don’t have a problem with you trying to save Dean. I have a problem with your method.” Sam snapped.

Lexi looked up at Sam with an arched brow and asked, “Like yours have ever been better?”

“You’re talking about using Voodoo and blood magic.”

“You drank demon blood.”

“You became a demon Lexi.”

“Yeah, after somebody STOLE my son and tried to burn me and Dean alive. I wasn’t the only Winchester demon running around and if I remember correctly YOU had black eyes.” Lexi snapped poking Sam’s chest with her finger.

“Ok, fine but that doesn’t mean this plan isn’t reckless.” Sam sighed exasperated. “Blood magic ALWAYS has a price. Are you willing to pay it?”

“If it means curing Dean then yes.”

They walked the rest of the way in silence. Sam still couldn't believe he was actually doing this as they continued to trudge through Honey Island Swamp. Of course Sam had his doubts. He could still hear his father’s voice in his head and he knew John would not approve. He took a deep breath and told himself it didn’t matter what his would think. What mattered was breaking the curse.

Lexi stopped short when they came to the house. She stood there staring for a beat then turned to Sam. “Am I crazy for doing this?” She asked quietly.

“No, Lex, you’re not crazy. You’re doing this because you love Dean.”

She nodded, walked up to the small house, and then knocked twice, “Ms. Thibodeaux?”

The door opened a crack and Lexi found herself staring down at a small elderly woman. “Lexi Winchester. Took you long enough to get here.”
“How did you know...”
“That's not important.” She said simply waving them into her small house. “You came here to break a curse. Come on in so we can get started.”

Lexi's Granmother's house is a real house in New Orleans. This is it.

452, sam/jackie, dark angel crossover, 494, ben, alec, dean/lexi

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