Avast, me hearties!

Sep 19, 2004 12:50

Ahoy! Pirate slash on the horizon, cap'n!

In honor (?) of Talk Like A Pirate Day, here be the most pointless load of bilge to ever blacken the face of me livejournal! And that's saying something. Yes, I did use the crack-flavored cream cheese on my bagel this morning.

An occasional scream rent the air as another of the hapless crewmembers of the boarded vessel was tossed overboard, to the accompaniment of great shouts of amusement from the pirates. Captain Angelus viewed his crew's hijinks with a benevolent air, greatly pleased as he surveyed the cargo being conveyed onto his own ship.

The swirl of a feminine skirt amongst the chaos caught his eye, and he raised his spyglass to get a better look. He sighed in disappointment when he saw that the woman was further advanced in age than suited his taste. But, here now, what was going on there? A grin of amusement formed as he witnessed a slight, unintimidating mouse of a gentleman obviously attempting to guard the lady's honor. Several of his crew surrounded the man, taunting him like playful cats, soon to send him to his fate.

"Wesley!" Angelus bellowed, attracting the attention of the weathered, scarred bosun, who made his way silently to the captain's side. Angelus handed him the spyglass.

"The little gentleman, and the aged lady, do ye see them? Have them brought to me. I wish to give them a proper welcome." Wesley answered the captain's sardonic grin with a brief twitch of his grim mouth before returning the spyglass and heading off to do his bidding.

The order had almost slipped Angelus' mind by the time Wesley returned with his quarry. He paused in his inventory of the plunder as the indignant young man and his fearful elderly companion were brought before him.

"I say!" the fussy-looking, bespectacled gentleman sputtered, as Angelus eyed him in amusement. "You shall not get away with this! Desist this very instant, or surely you shall hang for such villainy!"

The pirate's mouth dropped open. Great gales of laughter shook his entire body. He couldn't believe such foolishness existed, although at the same time he found himself admiring the little idiot's fire.

"William, do take care," entreated the old woman, clinging to his arm.

"Mother, leave this to me. Surely even a creature such as this can be reasoned with."

Still giggling, Angelus stepped forward and grabbed the fool by the chin, intending to stun him with a well-chosen quip before devising some entertainingly horrible fate for him. And was struck completely dumb, ensnared by the surprising beauty of the face so close to his own.

"Reason - " Angelus breathed, feeling a reaction suffusing his body which had nothing to do with reason. "Aye, me lad. We're both of us reasonable men. We shall discuss this in me quarters, over me best rum." At the boy's look of worry towards his mother, "Yer ma shall come to no harm. She'll be under me protection from this moment onward. See to it," he ordered curtly, and Wesley responded with a knowing nod.

Refraining with great difficulty from dragging the boy bodily across the deck, Angelus led the way to his quarters.

Ducking into the small but luxurious cabin, Angelus swaggered over to his writing desk, snagging a broad-bottomed decanter and pouring a generous measure to hand to William, as well as one for himself.

"Cheers," the young man responded grimly, and swallowed a generous draught. Then clapped his hand to his mouth with a distressed expression before breaking into a fit of coughing and choking.

"There, there, me lad," Angelus stepped closer and rubbed William's back soothingly, casually taking a deep swallow of his own drink. "'Tis strong drink, and takes a bit of getting used to."

The hand rubbed in slowly increasing circles, downward, further down still...

"I say!" William broke free, scandalized, just as Angelus had managed to grab himself a lovely warm handful of the boy's arse.

The pirate captain sighed in forced patience. He placed his glass on the surface of his desk with deliberate carefulness. "Ye do realize," he said mildly, "that ye, and yer ma, are at me mercy? Yer in no position to quarrel whate're terms I care to give ye."

"Terms?" William blanched, his voice quivering. Angelus felt an odd surge of protectiveness toward the fearful little Englishman that in no way diminished his lust. "What t-t-terms?"

"Lord, ye are such an innocent." The pirate's voice was uncharacteristically gentle, even as he stalked toward William like a predator, watching the boy stumble back until he collided with the wall of the cabin. Angelus paused with his face only inches away from that of the trembling young man. He reached up and briefly caressed William's cheekbone before pulling the fragile spectacles from his face and setting them aside. Angelus caught his breath as he stared into unveiled eyes of a hue to rival any ocean. "And ye are such a beauty."

Anger darkened those lovely eyes. "You mock me, sir."

"Nay, I do not," Angelus whispered, sliding his arm around the other man's slim waist, pressing close enough that William could surely feel the proof of his desire bulging desperately against him. William wriggled in panic, trapped and trembling like a little bird in his embrace. Angelus gasped as the boy's movements caused friction between their bodies. Seizing a handful of dark blond hair in his fingers, he pulled William's mouth to his, plundering its depths with his tongue.

When Angelus finally allowed William to pull away, he stared at him wide-eyed, panting through flushed and swollen lips. "You - you kissed me! You mustn't - we are both men - such things are a sin!"

Angelus made a scoffing sound and smiled indulgently. For all William's protests, Angelus could feel the virginal body responding against his in a way which made it evident that he was not altogether unwilling. Given the right incentive, his resistance was sure to melt quickly away.

"Surely to fail to protect yer own dear mother would be the worse sin?" he inquired, keeping his voice low and soothing. "I'm a fair man, but I'm not known for extendin' ma protection out of the goodness o' me heart. But if yer willin' ta keep me company on ma lonely voyage, t'would be only fair fer me to protect yer ma as well as yerself."

"What do you mean when you say," William seemed to be struck wordless for a few moments before he found his tongue again, "to keep you company?"

"I mean," Angelus' lips curved slightly, as he lowered his mouth so close to William's that he could feel his heat against them. "That I will strip ye naked," he murmured, raising a hand to stroke the front of the tweed waistcoat, "and lay ye in my bed," deftly unfastening the buttons, feeling William's panting breath against his lips, "and rut with ye like a stallion on a mare. What do ye think o' that?" he inquired mischievously, just as his hand traveled lower.

TBC - unless I come to my senses...

Part Two can be found here.

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